- scroll
- navigate
- resize
- load page
- handleFirstRender:
- get feed data
- handeFirstRender
- if (!location.hash) setLocationHash
- setActiveCat
- handleActiveCatChanged
- setLocationHash
- setActiveCat
- prev, next, nav clicked:
- dispatch activeCatChanged({index, target})
- handleActiveCatChanged:
- if (target !== self) scrollIntoView()
- handleResize:
- scrollIntoView()
- scroll:
- intersection observer -> dispatch activeCatChanged({index, target}) once settled (delay, throttle) to prevent race condition w/ nav
- handleResize:
- scrollIntoView()
- handleActiveCatChanged:
- if (target !== self) scrollIntoView()
- iOS does not support scrollIntoView with smooth behavior
- Element.scrollIntoView
- Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded - iOS
- iOS does not support scrollTo with smooth behavior
- smoothscroll-polyfill
- sticky: performance & accessability
TODO: investigate how to update intersection entries ref in a scenario where list items are being added/removed dynamically-> refCallback- flickering bug for webkit
npm install
: Installs dependencies -
npm run dev
: Run a development, HMR server -
npm run serve
: Run a production-like server -
npm run build
: Production-ready build -
npm run lint
: Pass TypeScript files using ESLint -
npm run test
: Run Jest and Enzyme withenzyme-adapter-preact-pure
for your tests
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the CLI Readme.