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This module collects metrics provided by the status endpoints of Puppet Enterprise services. The metrics can be used to identify performance issues that may be addressed by performance tuning.



Install this module with puppet module install puppetlabs-puppet_metrics_collector or add it to your Puppetfile.

To activate this module, classify your Primary Master (aka Master of Masters or MoM) with the puppet_metrics_collector class using your preferred classification method.

node '' {
  include puppet_metrics_collector


This module automatically configures the hosts it queries by querying PuppetDB for PE Infrastructure Hosts. If there is an error with automatic configuration of hosts, refer to Manual Configuration of Hosts.


For each Puppet Enterprise service (Puppetserver, PuppetDB, Orchestration, and ActiveMQ) there are associated <service_name>_hosts, <service_name>_ensure and <service_name>_port parameters. Refer to manifests/init.pp for details.


String: Output directory for collected metrics. Defaults to /opt/puppetlabs/puppet-metrics-collector.


Integer: How often to collect metrics, in minutes. Defaults to 5.


Integer: How long to retain collect metrics, in days. Defaults to 90.

Metrics Server Parameters

The following set of parameters begining with metrics_server_ allows for the specification of a server type to use to generate and in some cases send data to a specified server. Currently both influxdb and graphite types allow for the transfer of data while splunk_hec only generates the data.


Optional Enum['influxdb','graphite','splunk_hec']: specifies the metrics server type to write data to. Currently it supports influxdb, graphite and splunk_hec type servers.

To Note:

Please note that for influxdb server types a dbname must be provided.

Please note that for a server type of splunk_hec no data can be sent to a server with the current configuration, however the command will format the json output using the splunk_hec module, which is a requirement for this option and can be found on the Forge here or here on github. Further setup instructions for using the splunk_hec module can be found within the modules own


Optional String: Allows you to define the host name of a server to send data to. Defaults to undef.


Optional Integer: Allows you to define the port number of a server to send data to. Defaults to undef.


Optional String: Allows you to define the database name of a server to send data to. Required for metrics_server_type of influxdb. Defaults to undef.


Optional String: Allows you to override the command that is run to gather metrics. Defaults to undef.


Grepping Metrics

You can search for useful information by performing a grep in the following format, run from inside the directory containing the metrics.

cd /opt/puppetlabs/puppet-metrics-collector
grep <metric_name> <service_name>/*.json

Since the metrics are compressed every night, you can only search metrics for the current day. To search older metrics, decompress the compressed files into a subdirectory of /tmp and run from inside that directory.

Grepping Puppetserver Metrics


grep average-free-jrubies puppetserver/*.json
puppetserver/                "average-free-jrubies": 0.9950009285369501,
puppetserver/                "average-free-jrubies": 0.9999444653324225,
puppetserver/                "average-free-jrubies": 0.9999993830655706,

Grepping PuppetDB Metrics


grep queue_depth puppetdb/*.json
puppetdb/            "queue_depth": 0,
puppetdb/            "queue_depth": 0,
puppetdb/            "queue_depth": 0,

Example for PE 2016.5 and older:

grep Cursor puppetdb/*.json
puppetdb/          "CursorMemoryUsage": 0,
puppetdb/          "CursorFull": false,
puppetdb/          "CursorPercentUsage": 0,
puppetdb/          "CursorMemoryUsage": 0,
puppetdb/          "CursorFull": false,
puppetdb/          "CursorPercentUsage": 0,
puppetdb/          "CursorMemoryUsage": 0,
puppetdb/          "CursorFull": false,
puppetdb/          "CursorPercentUsage": 0,

Sharing Metrics Data

When working with Support, you may be asked to provide an archive of collected metrics data.

This module provides a utility script, puppet-metrics-collector to prepare metrics data for sharing.

/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet-metrics-collector create-tarball

This script creates a tar archive in the current working directory.

[root@master ~]# /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet-metrics-collector create-tarball
Metrics data tarball created at: /root/puppet-metrics-20170801T180338Z.tar.gz


Directory Layout

This module creates an output directory with one subdirectory for each Puppet Enterprise service (Puppetserver, PuppetDB, Orchestration, and ActiveMQ) that this module has been configured to collect. Each service directory has one subdirectory for each host. Each host directory contains one JSON file, collected every 5 minutes. Once per day, the metrics for each service are compressed and saved in the root of its directory.


│   ├── 20170404T020001Z.json
│   ├── ...
│   ├── 20170404T170501Z.json
│   └── 20170404T171001Z.json
└── puppetserver-2017.
│   ├── 20170404T020001Z.json
│   ├── ...
│   ├── 20170404T170501Z.json
│   ├── 20170404T171001Z.json
└── puppetdb-2017.

Cron Jobs

This module creates two cron jobs for each Puppet Enterprise service:

  • A cron job to collect the metrics
    • Runs as per collection_frequency
  • A cron job to compress collected metrics and delete metrics older than the retention period as per retention_days
    • Runs at randomly selected time between 12:00 AM and 3:00 AM


crontab -l
# Puppet Name: puppetserver_metrics_collection
*/5 * * * * /opt/puppetlabs/puppet-metrics-collector/scripts/puppetserver_metrics
# Puppet Name: puppetserver_metrics_tidy
0 2 * * * /opt/puppetlabs/puppet-metrics-collector/scripts/puppetserver_metrics_tidy

Alternate Setup

Temporary Installation

While a permanent installation is recommended, this module can be temporarily installed with the following commands.

puppet module install puppetlabs-puppet_metrics_collector --modulepath /tmp;
puppet apply -e "class { 'puppet_metrics_collector': }" --modulepath /tmp;

Manual Configuration of Hosts

If necessary, you can manually configure this module by specifying parameters via the class declaration or via Hiera data. The preferred method is via Hiera data. The following examples show you how to specify those parameters for different infrastructures, and assumes you declare this module on the Primary Master.

Monolithic Infrastructure with Compile Masters

Hiera Data Example
 - ''
 - ''
 - ''
 - ''
Class Declaration Example
class { 'puppet_metrics_collector':
  puppetserver_hosts => [
  puppetdb_hosts     => [''],

Split Infrastructures without Compile Masters

Hiera Data Example
 - ''
 - ''
Class Declaration Example
class { 'puppet_metrics_collector':
  puppetserver_hosts => [''],
  puppetdb_hosts     => [''],

Split Infrastructure with Compile Masters

Hiera Data Example
 - ''
 - ''
 - ''
  - ''
Class Definition Example
class { 'puppet_metrics_collector':
  puppetserver_hosts => [
  puppetdb_hosts => [''],

Configuration for Distributed Metrics Collection

This option collect metrics on each PE Infrastructure Host instead of collecting metrics centrally on the MoM. This option is discouraged, but allows for the collection of metrics when the MoM cannot access the API endpoints of the other PE Infrastructure Hosts. Classify each PE Infrastructure Host with this module, specifying the following parameters.

  • When classifying a Compile Master Host, specify puppetdb_metrics_ensure => absent
  • When classifying a PuppetDB Host, specify puppetserver_metrics_ensure => absent

Using with PE 3.8

You can use this module with PE 3.8, although it requires the future parser.

If the future parser is enabled, globally or in the environment, the following can be declared in site.pp.

class { 'puppet_metrics_collector':
  output_dir => '/opt/puppet/puppet_metrics_collector'

Otherwise, use the following commands.

puppet module install puppetlabs-puppet_metrics_collector --modulepath /tmp;
puppet apply -e "class { 'puppet_metrics_collector' : output_dir => '/opt/puppet/puppet_metrics_collector' }"  --modulepath /tmp --parser=future


Puppet module for collecting metrics from PE components







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