Orchis is a Material Design theme for GNOME/GTK based desktop environments. Based on nana-4 -- materia-theme
)- Murrine engine — The package name depends on the distro.
on Arch Linuxgtk-murrine-engine
on Fedoragtk2-engine-murrine
on openSUSEgtk2-engines-murrine
on Debian, Ubuntu, etc.
— build dependency
Run the following commands in the terminal:
allows the following options:
-d, --dest DIR Specify destination directory (Default: /home/vince/.themes)
-n, --name NAME Specify theme name (Default: Orchis)
-t, --theme VARIANT Specify theme color variant(s) [default|purple|pink|red|orange|yellow|green|grey|all] (Default: blue)
-c, --color VARIANT Specify color variant(s) [standard|light|dark] (Default: All variants)s)
-s, --size VARIANT Specify size variant [standard|compact] (Default: All variants)
-l, --libadwaita Link installed Orchis gtk-4.0 theme to config folder for all libadwaita app use Orchis theme
-r, --remove,
-u, --uninstall Uninstall/Remove installed themes
--tweaks Specify versions for tweaks [solid|compact|black|primary] (Options can mix)
1. solid: no transparency panel variant
2. compact: no floating panel variant
3. black: full black variant
4. primary: Change radio icon checked color to primary theme color (Default is Green)
--shell install gnome-shell version [38|40|42]
1. 38: gnome-shell version < 40.0
2. 40: gnome-shell version = 40.0
3. 42: gnome-shell version = 42.0
-h, --help Show help
For more information, run:
./install.sh -h
Automatically install your host GTK+ 3.0 theme as a Flatpak. Use this:
Also if you want to use this theme on a GTK+ 4.0 flatpak app, you can give the permission to access this file
flatpak override --user --filesystem=xdg-config/gtk-4.0
flatpak override --filesystem=xdg-config/gtk-4.0
You can install the theme from the Snap Store оr by running:
sudo snap install orchis-themes
To connect the theme to an app run:
sudo snap connect [other snap]:gtk-3-themes orchis-themes:gtk-3-themes
To connect the theme to all apps which have available plugs to gtk-common-themes you can run:
for i in $(snap connections | grep gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes | awk '{print $2}'); do sudo snap connect $i orchis-themes:gtk-3-themes; done
Go to src/gnome-shell/extensions/dash-to-panel
dash-to-panel run the following commands in the terminal: