Still undiscovered Vilnius traffic detector system raw data, with potential to make the user understand how traffic flows in this city. Now only a single day is parsed and shared here, for further testing purposes. As it is work in progress, expect some mess.
- DataTimestampUTC and LOCAL is measurement time (obviously in UTC and in our local EET)
- C_qKfz_Wert is misunderstood exotic "expected value of a car count/hour" . So as we were told, detector logs "an average" represented as a car count in a hour every 90s. We are not sure about that. Also KFZ stands for "Kraftfahrzeug" (automobile). We are sure about that.
We are currently looking for any "lost" files to establish their location in a human way. At this moment we are stuck with land-surveyor pdf's and jpg's.
It is possible to connect detectors with intersection names, and then find the appropriate land-survey pictures.