Here, you can find Ma_Sys.ma's Github repositories. If you are interested in the non-code details, please feel free to explore the website at masysma.net.
Ma_Sys.ma repositories are named XY-DESCRIPTION
where X
and Y
the most important metadata:
X | “Operating System Indicator” | Y | “State of Publication” |
c | Part of the MDVL CI (mostly Linux) | o | open: public and possibly interesting |
b | Intended to work on both: Windows and Linux | p | private public: publicly accessible but only privately useful |
l | Mostly for Linux | r | restricted: private repository |
w | Mostly for Windows |
Filter repositories by Y=o (approximate results)
In case documentation on Github looks distorted, this is due to some differences in Markdown syntax between Github and d5man2(32). Find the correctly displayed version on the website.