Provide certificates for your Phoenix or Plug app using Letsencrypt.
This package should for now be considered a POC. Not everything is implemented at the moment, most notably, certificate renewal.
You can also set your own Certificate Provider for your own functionality, or to provide different certificates for different hostnames.
The package can be installed
by adding certbot
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:certbot, "~> 0.5.0"}
From then on there are a few steps, we need to setup a certbot client, a store
for the certificates and a store for Acme challenges. Furthermore we need to setup
to verify Acme challenges over http.
First, a certbot client is needed. We use a self generated private key to build
into a JWK. If you have a Phoenix project, this can be generated with
mix phx.gen.cert
Furthermore, we set an AcmeCertificateProvider
defmodule Myapp.CertbotClient do
@jwk "priv/cert/selfsigned_key.pem"
|> JOSE.JWK.from_pem()
|> JOSE.JWK.to_map()
use Certbot,
certificate_provider: Myapp.AcmeCertificateProvider,
jwk: @jwk,
email: ""
defmodule Myapp.AcmeCertificateProvider do
use Certbot.Provider.Acme,
challenge_store: Certbot.Acme.ChallengeStore.Default,
certificate_store: Certbot.CertificateStore.Default,
acme_client: Myapp.CertbotClient
The Myapp.CertbotClient
doubles as an Acme client, and therefore needs to be added
to the supervision tree of your application. We use, the default challenge/certificate
stores of the package, they also need to be added your application supervision
tree. Note, there are downsides to the stores, see their docs for more info.
Your supervision tree will look something like this in a Phoenix project
# application.ex
children = [
# Start the Ecto repository
# Start the endpoint when the application starts
In your endpoint.ex
you should add Certbot.Acme.Plug
, with the same challenge
store and jwk
It should be added before the router, and before Plug.SSL if force SSL redirects are turned on.
# endpoint.ex
@jwk "priv/cert/selfsigned_key.pem" |>!() |> JOSE.JWK.from_pem() |> JOSE.JWK.to_map()
plug Certbot.Acme.Plug, challenge_store: Certbot.Acme.ChallengeStore.Default, jwk: @jwk
plug MyappWeb.Router
As a last step we need configure the https endpoint to dynamically return certificates.
config :myapp, MyappWeb.Endpoint,
http: [port: 6000],
https: [
cipher_suite: :strong,
port: 6001,
sni_fun: &Myapp.CertbotClient.sni_fun/1 #Set the sni_fun
This tells cowboy to call sni_fun/1
with the hostname of the request. This
function will ask the certificate provider for a certificate. The certificate provider
will return one, or first request one from Letsencrypt and then return it.
Is this tested in production?
- No, be careful
Can I test this against a non-production acme server
- Yes, you need to set the
Does it do certificate renewal?
- Not yet, should not be really hard to do. Every now and then a sweep of the certificate store to check for certificates that are about to expire, and renew a certificate for them.
How can I test this locally?
- You need to make sure port 80 is available for the Acme server to request with the token verification call. You'll need to map port 80 to the https port you configured your endpoint to.
Are multiple account keys supported?
- No, not yet. But willing to accept PR's.
How are multiple concurrent requests handled with certification requests?
- Nothing is done, ideally some kind of lock is placed so requests after the first one will wait till a certificate is retrieved and then use this certificate. Nothing of the kind is done.
What happens if I request too many certificates?
- You'll be ratelimited by Letsencrypt
I am debugging but don't see errors appearing?
- Because everything happens as a result of calling the
callback, this is at such a level that many errors don't seem to appear.
What version of the Acme protocol is used?
- Acme V1 is used, many thanks to this package:
Are alternative challenge methods (dns-01
, tls-sni-01
- No,
is currently not supported by the Acme client but would be interesting as it would make it unnecessary te expose port 80.tls-sni-01
is not secure anddns-01
is out of scope as of now.
[error] %Certbot.Error{detail: "JWS has invalid anti-replay nonce twT0up7DWSrbe163DiRuKnPwd4ZpyXVER0p-COl1vAA", status: 400, type: "urn:acme:error:badNonce"}
- This is not handled yet, the nonce should be refreshed and then the request repeated.
[error] Certbot.Acme.Client Certbot.Acme.Client received unexpected message in handle_info/2: {:ssl_closed, {:sslsocket, {:gen_tcp, #Port<0.76>, :tls_connection, :undefined}, [#PID<0.851.0>, #PID<0.850.0>]}}
- Don't know why this happens...
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