BioDSL (pronounced Biodiesel) is a Domain Specific Language for creating bioinformatic analysis workflows. A workflow may consist of several pipelines and each pipeline consists of a series of steps such as reading in data from a file, processing the data in some way, and writing data to a new file.
BioDSL is build on the same principles as Biopieces, where data records are passed through multiple commands each with a specific task. The idea is that a command will process the data record if this contains the relevant attributes that the command can process. E.g. if a data record contains a sequence, then the command reverse_seq will reverse that sequence.
The recommended way of installing BioDSL is via Ruby’s gem package manager:
$ gem install BioDSL
For those commands which are wrappers around third-party tools, such as Usearch,
Mothur and SPAdes, you will have to install these and make the executables
available in your $PATH
BioDSL is implemented in Ruby making use of Ruby’s powerful metaprogramming facilities. Thus, a workflow is basically a Ruby script containing one or more pipelines.
Here is a test script with a single pipeline that reads all FASTA entries from
the file input.fna
, selects all records with a sequence ending in ATC
, and
writing those records as FASTA entries to the file output.fna
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'BioDSL'
read_fasta(input: "input.fna").
grab(select: "ATC$", keys: :SEQ).
write_fasta(output: "output.fna").
Save the test script to a file test.biodsl
and execute on the command line:
$ ruby test.biodsl
This script demonstrates how multiple pipelines can be created and combined. In
the end two pipelines are run, one consisting of p1 + p2 and one consisting of
p1 + p3. The first pipeline run will produce a histogram plot of sequence length
from sequences containing the pattern ATCG
, and the other pipeline run will
produce a plot with sequences length distribution of sequences not matching
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'BioDSL'
p1 = "test.fna")
p2 = :SEQ, select: "ATCG").
plot_histogram(key: :SEQ_LEN, terminal: :png, output: "select.png")
p3 = :SEQ, reject: "ATCG").
plot_histogram(key: :SEQ_LEN, terminal: :png, output: "reject.png")
p4 = p1 + p3
(p1 + p2).write_fasta(output: "select.fna").run
p4.write_fasta(output: "reject.fna").run
This script demonstrates how to run multiple pipelines in parallel using 20 CPU
cores. Here we filter pair-end FASTQ entries from a list of samples described in
the file samples.txt
which contains three tab separated columns: sample name,
a forward read file path, and a reverse read file path.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'BioDSL'
require 'csv'
samples ="samples.txt")
Parallel.each(samples, in_processes: 20) do |sample|
read_fastq(input: sample[1], input2: sample[2], encoding: :base_33).
grab(keys: :SEQ, select: "ATCG").
write_fastq(output: "#{sample[0]}_filted.fastq.bz2", bzip2: true).
It is possible to execute BioDSL pipelines on the command line:
ruby -r BioDSL -e ' "test.fna").plot_histogram(key: :SEQ_LEN).run'
And to save typing we may use the alias bd
which is set like this on the
command line:
$ alias bd='ruby -r BioDSL'
It may be a good idea to save that alias in your .bashrc
Now it is possible to run a BioDSL pipeline on the command line like this:
$ bd -e ' "test.fna").plot_histogram(key: :SEQ_LEN).run'
Here we demonstrate the use of Ruby's irb
$ irb -r BioDSL --noinspect
irb(main):001:0> p =
irb(main):002:0> p.read_fasta(input: "input.fna")
=> "input.fna")
irb(main):003:0> p.grab(select: "ATC$", keys: :SEQ)
=> "input.fna").grab(select: "ATC$", keys: :SEQ)
irb(main):004:0> p.write_fasta(output: "output.fna")
=> "input.fna").grab(select: "ATC$", keys: :SEQ).write_fasta(output: "output.fna")
=> "input.fna").grab(select: "ATC$", keys: :SEQ).write_fasta(output: "output.fna").run
Again, it may be a good idea to save an alias alias biodsl="irb -r BioDSL --noinspect"
to your .bashrc
file. Thus, we can use the new biodsl
alias to chain commands directly:
$ biodsl
irb(main):001:0> "input.fna").grab(select: "ATC$", keys: :SEQ).write_fasta(output: "output.fna").run(progress: true)
=> "input.fna").grab(select: "ATC$", keys: :SEQ).write_fasta(output: "output.fna").run(progress: true)
A history file is kept in $USER/.BioDSL_history
and each time run is called a history entry is added to this file: "test_big.fna", first: 100).plot_histogram(key: :SEQ_LEN).run "test_big.fna", first: 100).plot_histogram(key: :SEQ_LEN).run "test_big.fna", first: 10).plot_histogram(key: :SEQ_LEN).run "test_big.fna").plot_histogram(key: :SEQ_LEN).run "test_big.fna", first: 1000).plot_histogram(key: :SEQ_LEN).run
Thus it is possible to redo the last pipeline by pasting the line in irb or a Ruby one-liner.
All BioDSL events are logged to ~/.BioDSL_log
BioDSL history is saved to ~/.BioDSL_history
Show nifty progress table with commands, records read and emittet and time. "input.fna") true)
Output verbose messages from commands and the run status. "input.fna") true)
Output debug messages from commands using these. "input.fna") true)
Send an email when run is complete. "input.fna"), subject: "Script done!")
Create an HTML report of the run stats for a pipeline: "input.fna") "status.html")
All output files from commands are put in a specified directory: "input.fna") "Results")
It is possible to pre-set options in a configuration file located in your $HOME
directory called .BioDSLrc
. Thus if an option is not already set, its value
will fall back to the one set in the configuration file. The configuration file
contains three whitespace separated columns:
- Command name
- Option
- Option value
Lines starting with #
are considered comments and are ignored.
An example:
maasha@mel:~$ cat ~/.BioDSLrc
uchime_ref database /home/maasha/Install/QIIME1.8/data/rdp_gold.fa
uchime_ref cpus 20
On compute clusters it is necessary to specify the max processor count, which is otherwise determined as the number of cores on the current node. To override this add the following line:
pipeline processor_count 1000
It is also possible to change the temporary directory from the systems default by adding the following line:
pipeline tmp_dir /home/projects/ku_microbio/scratch/tmp
- [add_key] (
- [align_seq_mothur] (
- [analyze_residue_distribution] (
- [assemble_pairs] (
- [assemble_seq_idba] (
- [assemble_seq_ray] (
- [assemble_seq_spades] (
- [classify_seq] (
- [classify_seq_mothur] (
- [clip_primer] (
- [cluster_otus] (
- [collapse_otus] (
- [collect_otus] (
- [complement_seq] (
- [count] (
- [degap_seq] (
- [dereplicate_seq] (
- [dump] (
- [filter_rrna] (
- [genecall] (
- [grab] (
- [index_taxonomy] (
- [mean_scores] (
- [merge_pair_seq] (
- [merge_table] (
- [merge_values] (
- [plot_heatmap] (
- [plot_histogram] (
- [plot_matches] (
- [plot_residue_distribution] (
- [plot_scores] (
- [random] (
- [read_fasta] (
- [read_fastq] (
- [read_table] (
- [reverse_seq] (
- [slice_align] (
- [slice_seq] (
- [sort] (
- [split_pair_seq] (
- [split_values] (
- [trim_primer] (
- [trim_seq] (
- [uchime_ref] (
- [unique_values] (
- [usearch_global] (
- [write_fasta] (
- [write_fastq] (
- [write_table] (
- [write_tree] (
BioDSL have an extended set of unit tests that can be run after installing development dependencies. First you need to install the bundler gem:
$ gem install bundler
Next you need to change to the source directory of BioDSL and run bundler to download depending gems:
$ bundle install
And then you run the test suite by running rake
$ rake
And the unit tests should all run, except those omitted because a third-party executable was missing.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create new Pull Request