The software-side of DISCUS - the discussion promoting disc. This collection of the resources, scripts and programs are used in combination with DISCUS' client.
- Wherever "the fair" is mentioned, "Digital:Sovereignty Design Fair" is meant.
Our term paper on DISCUS can be found here.
Includes the Processing program used to create the flyer, parsing the project's information from a JSON file. The included JSON file is just an example that was used in the fair. The font is also optional.
To use a project's data created by the client:
Copy the project's .json file from the Android device (
) into the flyer folder. -
Replace the copied project file with the existing example (remove the "_id" from its name)
You are ready to go.
DM Sans used for the flyer is licensed under OFL.
Includes the post-boot scripts that should be run on the Raspberry Pi. Two variants are included:
on_boot_processing: Uses processing to create the flyer dynamically reading the data from a JSON file (preferably created by the client, for manual creation of the JSON see the client's README. Otherwise a Python script is used to turn up the printer's heat-time (for better print quality). This is the script meant to be used, materializing DISCUS' full concept.
on_boot_python: Uses only a Python script for each answer. The text is mostly hard coded, but replacing those with dynmaically JSON-parsed strings shouldn't be hard. This is the script used in the fair as it's faster.
The post-boot scripts should be added to one of the post-boot scripts:
- Edit a post-boot script e.g.
sudo nano /home/pi/.bashrc
- add
(sudo) sh /home/pi/Discus/on_boot_script/on_boot_*.sh
at the end of the script.
Includes the Python variant scripts for printing the flyer and a stand-alone to increase the heat-time of the printer. Otherwise it includes a cleaned up copy of the Adafruit's thermal printer Python library.
Includes STP files of the main parts and a list of the needed parts to put the device together. Read further in README.
- ZJ-58 CUPS filter: CUPS "driver" for Adafruit's thermal printer.
- Python-Thermal-Printer (included): The Python3's version of the Adafruit's thermal printer library.
- Processing: The Open-Source visual-art programming language.
- zxing4processing: A small port of the bar codes' library ZXing for Processing.
DISCUS Scripts (except DISCUS Parts) is licensed under the GNU's GPL v3.