Gyul! Hap! is based on a game from the Korean Show The Genius.
A Gyul! Hap! puzzle consists of a grid of nine tiles, where each tile is defined by a shape color, shape, and background color. A "Hap" is a set of three tiles where each property (shape color, shape, background color) is either all the same or all different between the three tiles. For example, a red triangle on a blue background, a blue triangle on a blue background, and a yellow triangle on a blue background form a "Hap" because the shape colors are all different, and the shapes and background colors are all the same. A correct "Hap" earns 1 point, and an incorrect "Hap" loses 1 point. Points cannot decrease below 0.
A "Gyul" can be called when all matches have been found (or in a rare instance, there were no matches initially), ending the game. A correct "Gyul" earns 3 points, and an incorrect "Gyul" loses 2 points.
- Vue.js
- Tailwind CSS
- Headless UI
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Husky
- Lint-Staged
- Vitest
- Cypress
- Vite
- Vercel
- Clone the project
git clone
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run locally
npm run dev
- Add help screen modal
- Homepage to select play, help screen, or 1v1 (future feature)
- Animations
- Finish unit testing
- Add e2e testing with cypress
- Automatic testing on push/pull with Github Actions
- Backend
- Login for additional features like (see below)
- Personal best
- Match history
- Global high score
- 1v1 functionality using web sockets
- Finish Readme