pyGCMC is a python package for performing grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations of molecules in nanoporous materials. It is designed to be easy to use and to be easily extensible. The package is written in Python, C++, and CUDA.
Current version: 1.3.240904
- Python 3.6 or later
- numpy 1.18 or later
- C++11 compatible compiler
- CUDA compatible GPU and CUDA toolkit (version X.X or later)
The package can be downloaded from GitHub
Download the source code from GitHub and run the setup script:
pip install .
Or you can install the package from PyPI:
pip install pygcmc
The web page for the package on PyPI is
pyGCMC provides two command-line interfaces: pygcmc
(new version) and gcmc
(old version).
Run the pyGCMC executable:
usage: pygcmc [-h] -p file.pdb [-t] [-s file.psf] [-o file.txt] [-u muex1,muex2,...] [-f conf1,conf2,... or conf] [-n mcsteps] [-m mctime1,mctime2,...]
[-c conc1,conc2,...] [-y cavity_bias_dx] [-e seed] [-P] [-w]
pyGCMC - A python package for GCMC simulation
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p file.pdb, --pdb-file file.pdb
The file .pdb for GCMC
-t, --top-file
The file .top for GCMC
-s file.psf, --psf-file file.psf
The file .psf for GCMC
-o file.txt, --out-file file.txt
The output file for GCMC
-u muex1,muex2,..., --fragmuex muex1,muex2,...
The value of solute muex(splice by , with no space), if the first value is negative, then follow the -u or --fragmuex without space
-f conf1,conf2,... or conf, --fragconf conf1,conf2,... or conf
The value of solute conf(splice by , with no space). Or only one value for all solutes
-n mcsteps, --mcsteps mcsteps
The number of MC steps
-m mctime1,mctime2,..., --mctime mctime1,mctime2,...
The mctime of solutes(splice by , with no space)
-c conc1,conc2,..., --fragconc conc1,conc2,...
The value of solute concentration(splice by , with no space)
-y cavity_bias_dx, --cavitybias-dx cavity_bias_dx
The value of cavity bias dx(if dx <= 0, then no cavity bias)
-e seed, --seed seed The seed of random number
-P, --PME Enable PME(Default: Disable)
-w, --show-info Show the information of solutes
To run gcmc
as the old version, you can use the following command:
usage: gcmc [-h] -p PARAMFILE [-v] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--debug] [--version]
Perform GCMC Simulation
-h, --help show this help message and exit
[Required] input parameter file
-v, --verbose [Optional] verbose output
--logfile LOGFILE [Optional] log file, if not specified, then output will be stdout
--debug [Optional] for debug purpose
--version Show program's version number and exit