Tracy profiler bindings/wrapper for the Odin programming language.
This assumes you are using the latest nightly build or GitHub master of the Odin compiler. Since Odin is still under development this means these bindings might break in the future. Please create an issue or PR if that happens.
git clone --recurse-submodules
Or if you already had this repo cloned:
git submodule update --init
brew install pkg-config glfw freetype capstone
cd tracy/profiler/build/unix
make release
This will download and install external dependencies (glfw3, libcapstone, libfreetype) to vcpkg local directory. This writes files only to the vcpkg\vcpkg directory and makes no other changes on your machine.
cd tracy\vcpkg
cd tracy\profiler\build\win32
msbuild Tracy.sln -t:Build -p:Configuration=Release
(or open solution with Visual Studio and build from there)
- pkg-config
- glfw3
- freetype2
- capstone
cd tracy/profiler/build/unix
make release
c++ -stdlib=libc++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.8 -std=c++11 -DTRACY_ENABLE -O2 -dynamiclib tracy/TracyClient.cpp -o tracy.dylib
cl -MT -O2 -DTRACY_ENABLE -c tracy\TracyClient.cpp -Fotracy
lib tracy.obj
cd demo
odin run . -define:TRACY_ENABLE=true
cd demo
DYLB_LIBRARY_PATH=.. odin run . -define:TRACY_ENABLE=true
and then click Connect in Tracy profiler server.