This project is a Dashboard version of the Biopsykit Python package. This enables researchers to use this package without programming themselves but perform their analyses in the browser instead of a Python IDE.
The Dashboard is built with Panel and HoloViz and is with that converted into WASM (Web Assembly) via pyodide and can be run in the browser without sending files to a dedicated server.
In order to contribute to this project, you need to have Python 3.10 and poetry installed. Then run the commands below to get the latest source and install the dependencies:
git clone
cd biopsykit-dashboard
poetry install
To then run the Dashboard locally in your Browser:
poetry run poe run_local
after that the Dashboard should start in your default Browser.
You can also convert the application to a pyodide application. This will create a combination of html and javascript Files that can be run in the browser without a server. To do this you can use the following command:
poetry run poe build_pipelines
This will build all the pipelines into one application. If you want to build them individually you can use the following command:
poetry run poe convert_files
Here you can specify the pipelines you want to convert.