- Blood Seeker is a web application wherein people/users can easily locate specified blood types in specific hospitals and donors.
Install VS CODE (Please install the following from the extensions tab in VS CODE):
Install XAMPP 8.0.5 / PHP 8.0.5
Install Github Desktop
- Login to your github account.
- Fork this project first:
- Please see this Image.
- Open Github Desktop and Clone the Repository that you cloned:
File -> Clone Repository -> URL
Create a new database in phpMyAdmin
- Database Name: dbbloodseeker
Open the project in VS Code(bloodseeker-django0
- Right Click bloodseeker-django and click Open with Code
- After opening in VS Code, your file tree will look like this:
|-- bloodseeker-django
|-- bloodseeker
|-- static
|-- user
|-- manage.py
|-- README.md
Open VS Code Terminal
Ctrl + `
pip install django
pip install mysqlclient
python manage.py migrate
Create SuperUser(using the terminal):
python manage.py createsuperuser
username: admin password: admin123456
Open XAMPP Control Panel
Apache -> Start MySQl -> Start
Run the project in the VS Code terminal:
python manage.py runserver
Open the project in your web browser: