Beautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web. All flags are provided as stand-alone PNG and SVG files. FlagKit also provides an Asset Catalog and framework for easy use on Apple platforms.
FlagKit provides a framework for easy installation as a dependency. You can also manually copy the Asset Catalog into your project.
Add the folowinig as repository URL:
Add the following line to your Cartfile
github "madebybowtie/FlagKit"
Add the following line to your Podfile
pod 'FlagKit'
Add Assets/FlagKit.xcassets
to your target.
FlagKit provides both rectangular unstyled flags and styled flags in a variety of shapes. Our sample project demonstrates how to display flags and customize them into different shapes (rounded corners, square, circle).
Note: Styling is currently not supported by FlagKit on macOS
This brief example loads the flag for the users current locale, and retrieves the unstyled flag and a styled flag:
let countryCode = Locale.current.regionCode!
let flag = Flag(countryCode: countryCode)!
// Retrieve the unstyled image for customized use
let originalImage = flag.originalImage
// Or retrieve a styled flag
let styledImage = flag.image(style: .circle)
You can always access the underlying assets directly, through the bundled Asset Catalog:
let countryCode = Locale.current.regionCode!
let bundle = FlagKit.assetBundle
let originalImage = UIImage(named: countryCode, in: bundle, compatibleWith: nil)
FlagKit provides over 250 flags. A list of all flags can be found here.
Have a question? Please open an issue!
FlagKit is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE.