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TerraJ is a set of fractal terrain and solar system generation programs that have been ported from C/C++ to Java.


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Latest updated July 16, 2014:

I have added maven support and it compiles with Java 8. To use maven you must run:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=rings.jar -DgroupId=rings -DartifactId=rings -Dversion=0.3 -Dpackaging=jar

As it is the only library that does not come from the repositories. It is my goal in the near future to remove the Netbeans/ant project, and rely exclusively on maven.

The maven build tested so far on MacOS X 10.9 does not work with OpenGL properly. But the other two modules work.

To compile:

mvn package

It will produce a target/terraj folder with a bin and lib directory with launchers.

Addendum by Jeffrey Drake

The code has been updated to compile on Java 7, and is verified to work on a Mac running Mountain Lion simply by running 'ant' in the directory with build.xml.

It now uses JOGL 2 instead of 1.1. There are probably still issues with this, and if you are using Java 6, it will have issues but likely due to the project specifying 7, your milage may vary.

I hope to test this on other platforms as the opportunity presents itself.

TerraJ Readme

Martin Smith martin at spamcop dot net

This file is an extract from the full documentation. Please refer to the main document for full details.

TerraJ is a set of fractal terrain and solar system generation programs that have been ported from C/C++ to Java.

The port has included extensive refactoring, the creation of a documented API to enable reuse of parts of them in other programs and extensions to the originals such as new Swing user interfaces. Full javadoc for the classes in the project is available.

What Might it be Used For?

I hope that this software will be useful both for learning purposes and as part of other programs such as games and simulations. Go on, surprise me!

What is Included?

The TerraJ suite currently contains the following software:

Fracplanet – Generates fractal planets and terrains with a wide range of user controlled parameters. Has an OpenGL rendering preview using JOGL and can export to POVRay format for rendering.

Stargen – Creates realistic planetary systems and stars using an accretion simulation. The resulting text and HTML output is template based and configurable.

Planetary Terrain Generator – A second fractal terrain generation program. This one does not do 3D rendering but can output images using many different map projections.

Dole Accretion – An older and slightly less complex star system generator included for reference and completeness.

What is Required to Run These Programs?

Most of the programs will run on any Java J2SE 1.5 runtime environment. Additionally to run Fracplanet you must have a platform that is supported by the JOGL OpenGL bindings library. This is currently Windows, Linux and OS X. Some Linux systems will already have Java or you may have installed it to run other programs3. To download a Java runtime for Windows and Linux go to: To obtain Java 1.5 for OS X you will need to go to the Apple downloads site and search for the latest version.

To build and extend these programs you will need a suitable JDK. These can normally be downloaded from the same place as the JRE.

Note to run Fracplanet you will need to make sure the JOGL native libraries are available on your library path. The details of how to do this vary by platform. If you get an error that mentions UnsatisfiedLinkException then this is probably what is wrong.

The program now attempts to extract the JOGL libraries from the jar file to the users home directory and load them from there. The files are then removed when the program exits. In most cases this should remove the need to specify absolute paths to native libraries, one of the biggest current annoyances in Java.

However, if these problems persist then the library directory property can be set explicitly from the command line. On Windows this might look something like:

java -jar stargen.jar -Djava.library.path=c:/java/projects/stargen/lib/natives-win32

On Linux it would probably be something like:

java -jar stargen -Djava.library.path=/opt/stargen/lib/natives-linux

Obviously the paths will depend on where the program has been installed.

To generate large terrains you may need to increase the amount of memory available to the Java runtime system. To do this include -Xmx=size in the options passed to java. For example -Xmx=512m allocates up to 512 Mb. If you do not increase the memory size appropriately then you may get Out Of Memory errors with large terrains. This is not a bug in the program, honest!

What License is TerraJ Released Under?

TerraJ is released under the GNU General Public License. This is one of the most widely used free software licenses. Everyone is welcome to modify and extend the software as it stands and I hope some people will find uses for it in their own applications. Disclaimer: There is no warranty with this software and you use it at your own risk. For full details consult the license text at the end of this document.

Note: The original code was issued under a variety of licenses and some of it predates the existence of standard software licenses. If you wish to use the original C code you should refer to the corresponding original source files and documentation to ensure compliance.

Note: An exception to the license has been granted to allow use of this software with the necessary libraries. Refer to any of the Java source files for details of this exception.

What about Contributions?

This is an open source project and contributions are welcome. Some of the things that would be good to have are:

o New features or enhancements to existing ones. Rings rendering needs to be finished as a priority. o Better integration of the programs o Details of software that should be added to this collection, whether or not a Java version already exists. o More Junit test cases. There are some but it was just too much work to write them for all the code. Help would be appreciated here. o Fixes for the actual issues reported by Checkstyle, as opposed to the noise it generates. o Advice on fixing the Jalopy formatting. It stopped working for some reason. o Offers of collaboration from the authors of related software

I Found a Bug ...

I'm sure there are quite a few. Its pretty unlikely to release 60,000 lines of code and for there not to be any problems with it. Testing this sort of application is quite hard both because of the complexity and because most of the output is based on things that are generated randomly.

If you do find problems with it then let me know, particularly differences from the ranges of values produced by the C code for programs like Stargen.

Credits and Original Sources These programs would not have been possible without the work of those who produced the original versions. I would like to thank them for making the source code of their work available and the inspiration it gave me to complete this project.


Stargen was originally written by Jim Burrows. The main page for information and downloads of the C version is:

Planetary Terrain Generator

The original version was written by Torben Ægidius Mogensen with contributions from Jim Burrows. Their pages are:


The C version was originally written by Tim Day. The home page including links to the source code is at:


Thanks to Stephen Manley for the original C++ version of the OpenGL Camera class that has been ported to form part of this application.

Thanks to Mike M for making changes to Rings to improve the support for rendering large terrains. I'm sorry I haven't managed to get a properly working version of Rings support in this release and I hope to do so soon.

Thanks to the people behind FreeMarker for coming up with a template library that did exactly what I needed. When I started I'd assumed I'd have to write a lot of tedious code for formatting but it's all in the template, including the maths for converting units.

Thanks to the other library authors who provided useful functionality and made this easier to write.


TerraJ is a set of fractal terrain and solar system generation programs that have been ported from C/C++ to Java.







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