Web application designed on GIT and GitHub that replicates Instagram as the users will be able to use it as a social media platform to connect with family, friends follow celebrities. core features are:
- Posting images
- Commenting on images
- Following other users
- along other features that will be added later on.
in general the greatest portion of the potential stakeholders/users belongs to the age category of 18 to 35 years old. the reason behind it, is that this category is more interested in connection with others through social media more than other communication methods.
we need to deliver a simplified version of Instagram, that contains 3 core features: posting image, commentiong on image, and following other users. In addition to the core features other additional features will be introduced such as the search for users by name, unfollow a user, delete a comment, unlike a picture and other features to be determined. In order to accomplish this project, we will use various techniques for front end and back end development.
- Jananee Aruboribaran 40129224 (github: BunnyPrince)
- Noah-James Dinh 40128079 (github: eyeshield2110)
- Marian Maksimos 40067018 (github: M-Maksimos)
- Madline Nessim 40078034 (github: madeleine3341)
- Thanh Ta 40085781 (github: mth-1012)
- Javascript
- MongoDB
- Node.js
- Express
- Mongoose
- React.js (TBD)