Created by Madeline Pickering, Alan Taylor, Max Sturges, and Nathan Reginato
Heroku site - warning, Heroku can be slow.
Caretakr is a web app built for households that regularly use babysitters or petsitters. The app allows those households to create online instructions and rules for their children and pets that can be easily shared with caretakers with a single link.
As a parent or dog owner, users can create instructions lists for different children and pets in their lives. They can edit and delete these lists as needs change.
As a babysitter or petsitter, users can read the lists of instructions created by other users by accessing a link. They can view multiple children and pets in the same dashboard.
This app is built using express, hbs templating, and postgres/knex on the back end. We've used oauth and passport to make another login option, harnessed bootstrap functionality for some styling, and deployed to heroku.
.env Setup
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=[your client id]
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=[your client secret]
HOST=[your local host]
KEY1=[key one]
KEY2=[key two]
DATABASE_URL=[database url]
DB_ENV=[probably development]