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Bits is a tiny .NET library that provides implementations of various bitwise operations on all .NET primitive integral types.

Bits is available for download as a NuGet package. NuGet Status

Release notes


The various operations are contained in the Bits static class. All operations have overloads for byte, sbyte, ushort, short, uint, int, ulong, and long unless the specific operator does not make sense for a given type (e. g. ReverseBytes is not meaningful for single-byte types).

I've endeavored to provide efficient, loop-free implementations of each operator, drawing on resources like Bit Twiddling Hacks.


Method Notes
HasAnyFlag whether a value has any of the same bits set as another value
HasAllFlags whether a value has all of the same bits set as another value
Get/Set/Clear/FlipBit manipulates an individual bit in a value by index
ToShortBinaryString binary representation of a value without leading zeros
ToLongBinaryString binary representation of a value with leading zeros


Method Notes
BitCount counts the number of one bits in a value
TrailingZeroBitCount counts the number of trailing zero bits in a value
LeadingZeroBitCount counts the number of leading zero bits in a value
HasSingleOneBit determines whether a value consists of a single set bit


Method Notes
RotateLeft similar to <<, but the bits shifted off the high end reenter on the low end
RotateRight similar to >>, but the bits shifted off the low end reenter on the high end
Reverse reverses the bits of a value
ReverseBytes reverses the bytes of a value
IsolateLeastSignificantOneBit clears all but the lowest one bit in a value
IsolateMostSignificantOneBit clears all but the highest one bit in a value
ClearLeastSignificantOneBit clears the lowest one bit in a value
SetLeastSignificantZeroBit sets the lowest zero bit in a value
SetTrailingZeroBits sets all trailing zero bits in a value

Type-preserving primitive operations

While primitive bitwise operations like | and & are defined natively for all primitive integral types, for 8- and 16- bit values these operators return int rather than the input type. This means that verbose casting is required and, in the case of the shift operators (<< and >>) leads to inconsistencies in how shifts by negative values are handled as compared to the larger types.

To simplify working with the smaller integral values, the following methods are provided for sbyte, byte, ushort, and short: ShiftLeft, ShiftRight, And, Or, Xor, and Not.

Release notes

  • 1.1.0 Added explicit net45 target without the NETStandard.Library dependency
  • 1.0.0 Initial release


Bitwise operations library for .NET







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