hugo version of my
main.png image: 781 x 300 px 1562 * 600 px
featured image: 250 x 188 px 450 x 338 px 500 x 376 px
- pagination, fix image scaling issues
- update main texts to be less temporary
- fix RSS links
- custom domain
- open graph support
- cv section
- update old blog links to point at new urls
- revise old blog entries to remove less useful entries
- progressive images?
- minify?
- add https, lets encrypt? cloudfare?
- force https
- new fav icon
- fix some taxonometry perma links to point at root (HUGO CHANGE)
- fix auto scaling of thumbnails (HUGO CHANGE)
- add comment support for blogs and devlog?
- make the page prettier/easier to read
- youtube embed for devlog styling?
- improve quote with graphics?
- game jam badge/indication for projects
- win/price badge/indication for projects