An example Azure self-cleaning Azure sandbox subscription
- Require tagging of all resources with an "Expires" tag. Any resources not tagged
Expires = False
will be cleaned up.- You'll be able to see non-complaint resources in the policy compliance blade, by default the resources for the tf backend are non-compliant, so use these as an example, then tag them so they don't expire.
- Tags are inherited from parent resource group, so just need to adjust in the one place if resources are needed longer.
- Require tagging of all resources with a "CreatedOn" tag, so you can quickly see how old resources are in case they escape the purge.
- Automatically tag resources with who created/updated them, so you know who owns what.
- This is suprisingly difficult on Azure, and requires a chunk of manual work, see ResourceTagger function
- Create a new [subscription] "Link to subscription management blade" for your sandbox. I'd call it sandbox.
Make a note of the subscription id, you'll need this later
- Create a service principle for Terraform to manage resources in this subscription. WARNING: This service principle will have complete admin priviliges in the subscription, keep it safe.
- Using azure cli:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name terraform --role Owner --scopes /subscriptions/<subscription_id>
- Create a resource group, storage account and container for your terraform state
- Using cli:
az group create -l uksouth -n rg-tfstate-sandbox
az storage account create -n sttfstatesandbox -g rg-tfstate-sandbox -l uksouth --sku Standard_ZRS
az storage container create -n tfstate-sandbox --account-name sttfstatesandbox
- Using terraform:
cd terraform-backend
terraform apply
- Update with the correct storage account name etc for the backend:
backend "azurerm" {
resource_group_name = "rg-tfstate-sandbox"
storage_account_name = "sttfstatesandbox"
container_name = "tfstate-sandbox"
key = "tfstate-sandbox.tfstate"
Policy management reused from:
Cleanup script reused from: