Base Laravel 5.5 Project using Foundation 6, Pug Templates, Backpack Admin, Attachable Media, including TDD and BDD workflows.
Under development by Ply Creative.
This code-base has a number of CI/CD pipelines configured using BuddyWorks to deploy to our develop, staging and production environments, however, simple local development can be achieved using Docker and Docker Compose
To clone and run this application, you'll need git and docker installed and configured on your computer.
A docker-compose
file has been put together to speed up your local development. Follow the following steps to get up and running with a fully contained system for project development.
# Setup Web Application #
$ cd webapp/
# Run the Docker Compose configuration #
$ docker-compose up -d
# Configuration #
# You need to setup your .env file for your environment. The .env.docker.local file has been pre-configured for this docker setup.
$ cp .env.docker.local .env
# SSH into the PHP docker container
$ docker exec -ti projectx-app bash
# Installation #
# Install Node and NPM
# This container does not have node, npm or yarn installed by default
$ sudo apk add --update nodejs nodejs-npm yarn
# Install the dependencies of the project
$ npm install
$ composer install
# Setup Keys and Refresh the configuration
$ php artisan key:generate
$ php artisan config:cache
# Setup Database
$ php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
# Load the app in your browser @ http://localhost:80
Note: If you're using Linux Bash for Windows, see this guide.
This software uses code from several open source packages. · GitHub @madewithply · Twitter @madewithply