Hosted on Heroku: HOLOGRAM
HOLOGRAM is a social-media platform where users can share and comment on images, as well as communicate via direct messages. HOLOGRAM is clone of Instagram.
Created by Madi Lippmann, Nick Esqueda, and Kevin Pravia Mayorga
| Features List | Database Schema | Backend API Routes | Frontend Routes | Redux Store | User Stories | Wireframes |
HOLOGRAM was built using the following technologies:
- Users can create a new post with an image and a caption.
- Users can edit and delete posts
- Users can like and unlike the other user's posts
- Users can comment on posts
- Users can update comments on posts
- Users can delete comments
- Users can follow other users
- Users can view other users' follwers/following lists
- Users can use a search bar to search for other users and posts
- Users can create a thread with one or more other users in it
- Users can message in real time in those threads
To see HOLOGRAM live, please click the link provided above.
To run HOLOGRAM locally, please follow these steps:
DISCLAIMER: you must be able to create an AWS S3 bucket in order to properly store images/audio files that are uploaded to the site. Upload functionality will not work without it
git clone
CREATE DATABASE hologram_dev WITH OWNER hologram_app;
pipenv install
pipenv shell
flask db upgrade
flask seed all
flask run
npm install
npm start