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This repository contains scripts for our paper entitled "Integration of single-cell transcriptomes and chromatin landscapes reveals regulatory programs driving pharyngeal organ development".

You can find the data at GEO: GSE182135 (scRNA atlas), GSE182136 (scRNA knockout experiment), and GSE182134 (scATAC data).

The repository is broadly organized as follows. Each directory requires a different set of packages as documented.

  • scRNA_analysis

    a) atlas, foxn1_ko and interface_with_pseudotime_pouch_subset_analysis Contains code for Fig 1, 5, 6b and 6c

      Package requirements:
          - Seurat version 2 (from the Satija lab) 
          - thymusatlastools2 available at
          -  to save code and session info and to track processed data for use in downstream scripts.
          - packrat (for dependency management)
          - magrittr
          - Matrix
     How to run:
     - in main.R edit the packrat(optional, can be deleted)
     - in main.R set the proj_dir to point to this repo
     - edit the flashfreeze paths to point to the location of the freezr and thymusatlastools2 packages
     - in setup.Rmd, edit the PATH_TO_DATA to point to the  CellRanger output directory (from GEO)

    b) pouch_object_pseudotime uses output of interface_with_pseudotime_pouch_subset_analysis Fig6a and FigS6; output used in 6b and 6c

     Package requirements:
      - scanpy (
      How to run:
      - self contained jupyter notebook

    c) The standalone script FigS2_dotplot.R is used to make the dotplot in supplementary figure 2.

      Package requirements: Seurat version3, ggplot2 and cowplot

    d) notebooks "Fig6e_EnrichR_interface" and "Fig6e_dotplot_from_curated_terms" are used to make the dotplots in Fig 6

      Package requirements : enrichR, dplyr, magrittr, ggplot2, viridis, scales
  • scATAC_qc_analysis Contains code for Fig 2, 3, 5

      Package requirements:
      - ArchR (ArchR_1.0.1 in R 3.6.3)
      - MACS2 (part of ArchR suggested packages)
      - Cis-BP version 2 database (
      - Seurat - version 3
      - scanpy (
      - rGREAT (
      - universalmotif (
      - TFBSTools (
      - ChromVar (part of ArchR suggested packages)
      - lineup (
      - Phastcon score download (
      - enrichR (
      - jupyter
      How to run:
      - series of self contained jupyter notebooks and R scripts
  • gene_regulatory_networks Contains code for Fig 4, Fig 5a and Fig 5e NOTE: Code for creating the metacells is in the scRNA_analysis directory

    a) GENIE3 network (run from SCENIC package)

      Package requirements:
      - R version (R 3.6.3)
      - metacell_0.3.6
      - Seurat (v3)
      - Matrix
      - magrittr
      - parallel
      - RcisTarget
      - GENIE3
      - SCENIC_1.2.4 
      - igraph
      - network
      - sna
      - visNetwork
      - leiden
      - ggplot2
      NOTE: Heatmap in Fig 4e was made with scanpy, panda and anndata
    How to run:
        - series of self contained jupyter notebooks which also contain further details on packages used

    b) CellOracle GRN

      Package requirements:
      - CellOracle 0.6.6 and all the prescribed dependencies
      - scvelo 0.2.2.dev51+ga7de78a and all the prescribed dependencies
      NOTE: Fig 5e was made using R3.6.3, ggplot2 and Seurat
      How to run:
      - series of self contained jupyter notebooks which also contain further details on packages used


No description, website, or topics provided.






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Contributors 3

