This is a collection of dotfiles that work in my system. It is important to remind that you could break your system by installing those. Use them at your own risk.
If you feel lost or you don't have a current Arch Linux installation, check my guide.
Most of this packages are most linux flavours compatible, but check them out in case you are outside of arch environment.
All this wallpapers are 16:9 aspect ratio and their resolution may vary from 1080 to 2160.
If you are using Arch, make sure you have AUR enabled by using paru or yay. This exact packages and dependencies may not be available in other operating systems.
# yay -S hyprland-git dunst-git fish-git kitty-git rofi-lbonn-wayland sddm-git waybar-git starship-git swww-git thunar nerdfetch-git cava-git acpilight-git pulseaudio-git pavucontrol alsa-utils htop-git nm-connection-editor ttf-font-awesome-5 ttf-firacode-nerd hyprlock-git jq visual-studio-code-bin
- Commercial Use
- Private Use
- Distribution
- Modification
- Shields.io - Tool for creating the github badges like the license one down here.
- Color-hex - A tool for creating and collecting color palettes.
- Catpuccin community - For inspiring me to make this dotfiles and providing me the cat below :)
- S4vitar - Who showed me the beauty of Linux customization.
- SolDoesTech - Who made me discover Hyprland.
- Wallhaven - For providing me breathtaking wallpapers