This a simple assessment for VIS company
- Implement a test automation framework with an object-oriented design.
- Implement customized reports including screenshots for failures.
- Create a new account user
- Authenticate as new user
- Select “Blouses” Subcategory in “Women” Category
- Select resulted product
- Follow checkout procedure
- Confirm order by selecting bank wire option
- Validate order was placed from order history page.
- data driven scenarios
This Task uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
And of course This assessment itself is open source with a [public repository] on GitHub.
SHAFT is the Selenium Hybrid Automation Framework for Testing, it is:
- Test Automation Engine.
- A source controlled Java 14 Maven project that is easily and regularly extended and enhanced with new features.
- Provides an easily understandable and user-friendly syntax for writing simple, robust, maintainable, and extendable tests.
- Provides support for Data-Driven, Keyword-Driven, Modular and Behavior-Driven tests.
- Provides extensive, yet user-friendly reporting for test execution. Fully documented with standard JavaDocs.
- Supports web apps on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE, and Safari.
- Supports mobile apps (Native/Hybrid/Web).
- Supports testing APIs.
- Supports testing CLIs.
- Supports testing Databases.
- Supports AI powered Visual Validations using OpenCV and Applitools Eyes.
- Supports test execution on Linux, Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS.
- Supports remote, unattended, parallel, cloud, and dockerized test execution.
- Can be easily integrated with Continuous Integration, and DevOps solutions.
- TestNG
- Selenium WebDriver
- Appium
- Rest Assured
- Cucumber
- Apache POI
- WebDriver Manager
- Allure Reporting
- Selenium Grid
- Zalenium (SauceLabs, BrowserStack, TestingBot, CrossBrowserTesting, LambdaTest)
- Docker-Selenium
- OpenCV
- Applitools Eyes
- Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or any CI/CD tool
And of course This assessment itself is open source with a [public repository] on GitHub.
- This Assessment requires JAVA v8+ to run.
- Install the dependencies and devDependencies simply run POM.xml
- How to get started using SHAFT_Engine
- You can refer to this sample tutorial on how to import your new project into your workspace:
- you can run this task Remotley with docker and selenium grid by following the commands at docker-compose_native.yml file
This Assessment is currently working with Testng plugin
- this a GUI selenium Java project but using SHAFT_Engine
- By default reports will be automatically generated but you can check the result of the the test by running generate_allure_report.bat
- This is the result at my side by running the project locally
- when running the test if the email was existed then we have to change it from excel sheet as I'm using Date driven technique.
MIT Free Software