Fully async, low-level client for the Chrome DevTools Protocol using ReactPHP
Warning: Experimental! Expect large breaking changes, instability, and lack of documentation until there is a tagged version
$ composer require jmoo/chrome-react
$ chrome --headless --disable-gpu --remote-debugging-port=9222
The blocking client runs the event loop while awaiting completion of each task. This allows you to write normal synchronous code while still responding to asynchronous events.
$chrome = new \Jmoo\React\Chrome\Blocking\Client;
$url = $chrome->new()->webSocketDebuggerUrl;
$tab = $chrome->connect($url);
$tab->Page->navigate(['url' => 'https://www.chromium.org/']);
The async client returns Promises for each command.
$loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$chrome = new \Jmoo\React\Chrome\Async\Client($loop);
->then(function ($page) use ($chrome) {
return $chrome->connect($page->webSocketDebuggerUrl);
->then(function ($c) {
return \React\Promise\all([
$c->Page->navigate(['url' => 'https://www.google.com'])
->then(function ($result) {
list($c) = $result;
The async client can be used with amphp coroutines using amphp/react-adapter
\Amp\Loop::run(function() {
$chrome = new \Jmoo\React\Chrome\Async\Client(ReactAdapter::get());
$tabInfo = yield $chrome->new();
$tab = yield $chrome->connect($tabInfo->webSocketDebuggerUrl);
yield $tab->Page->enable();
yield $tab->Page->navigate(['url' => 'https://news.ycombinator.com/']);
// any existing event loop
$loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
// create a new async client with event loop
$async = new \Jmoo\React\Chrome\Async\Client($loop);
// create a new blocking client using async client
$chrome = new \Jmoo\React\Chrome\Blocking\Client($async);
# Default options
$client = (new Client)->withOptions([
'host' => '',
'port' => 9222,
'ssl' => false,
'timeout' => 30 // blocking client only
# Using a custom event-loop and connector
$asyncClient = new \Jmoo\React\Chrome\Async\Client($loop, $connector);
$blockingClient = new \Jmoo\React\Chrome\Blocking\Client($asyncClient);
$client = new \Jmoo\React\Chrome\Blocking\Client;
$c = $client->connect($client->new()->webSocketDebuggerUrl);
// getting a domain accessor
$page = $c->Page; // with magic method
$page = $c->getDomain('Page'); // directly
// enable events and retrieve multiple domain accessors at the same time
list($page, $network, $log) = $c->enable(['Page', 'Network', 'Log']);
$client = new \Jmoo\React\Chrome\Blocking\Client;
$c = $client->connect($client->new()->webSocketDebuggerUrl);
// executing a method using the domain accessor
$c->Page->navigate(['url' => 'http://jmoo.io']); // with magic method
$c->Page->send('navigate', ['url' => 'http://jmoo.io']); // directly
// without using domain accessor
$c->send('Page.navigate', ['url' => 'http://jmoo.io']);
$client = new \Jmoo\React\Chrome\Blocking\Client;
$c = $client->connect($client->new()->webSocketDebuggerUrl);
// events must be enabled
$c->Page->on('domContentEventFired', function() use ($c) {
// pause execution until disconnect (blocking client only)
$client = new \Jmoo\React\Chrome\Blocking\Client;
$c = $client->connect($client->version()->webSocketDebuggerUrl);
$target = $c->send('Target.createTarget', ['url' => 'about:blank']);
$session = $c->createSession($target->targetId);