Error: The coupon code "XXX" is not valid. Due to expiration date changed with current date while save coupon from admin. #8162
bug report
Component: Tax
Fixed in 2.2.x
The issue has been fixed in 2.2 release line
Issue: Format is valid
Gate 1 Passed. Automatic verification of issue format passed
Progress: needs update
When we create any new coupon from: Admin->MARKETING->Cart Price Rules
From next day of coupon creation when we create new coupon it throws error in shopping cart page.
As per our observation we found that generally its happening due to "expiration_date" is not updating properly while update another time from backend.
Each time we update the Coupon from backend then in this related db table
its update the "expiration_date" with current date even though we have previously set the different from start and end schedule date. So that from next time/day system throws the error as "The coupon code "XX" is not valid." in frontend.Preconditions
Steps to reproduce
To Create A New Coupon:
Go to: Admin->MARKETING->Cart Price Rules
Create A New Cart Price Rules
Set Coupon : Specific Coupon
Save Coupon.
Go to frontend in another day and use coupon in cart page.
To Update Existing Coupon:
Go to: Admin->MARKETING->Cart Price Rules
Select our existing cart price rules and edit it
Just Click on Save
Go to frontend in another day and use coupon in cart page.
Expected result
Actual result
After create New Coupon, that day from frontend when we use that coupon code in shopping cart page then it works fine. But in another day it throws error i.e. "The coupon code "XX" is not valid."
When we go to Admin And Re Save/Update that coupon/rule then again it works ok.
But again from another day it doesn't works.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: