Font Pdf Invoice In Magento 2 all PDFs is drawn by using the Zend PDF library. Unfortunately this library hasn’t RTL support.This issue occurs in PDF when the fonts, used to draw PDF, don’t have your language characters. In the latest Magento 2.3.4 version this problem is already fixed in Arabic language by changing the font from LinLibertine to FreeSerif. But other languages like Chinese, Thai, Hindi still might have this issue. Luckily this issue is fixable and can be fixed by changing a font.
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Before you continue, ensure you meet the following requirements:
- You have installed magento2
- You are using a Linux or Mac OS machine. Windows is not currently supported. Install magento2-instagram extension
Run the following commands in Magento 2 root folder:
composer require magepow/fontpdfinvoice
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
- Help customers can download detailed and complete invoice pdf file like in admin.
2.1. general config
Login to Magento admin > Stores > Configuration > Magepow > Font Pdf Invoice > Enable > Choose Yes to enable the module.
- Choose cache type want to add front language: Choose language you show in pdf invoice and pdf shipping.
2.2. Result
Result of pdf invoice default when use the traditional-Arabic.
And after install Extension Font Pdf Invoice.
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