declaratively test your ecmascript module files
no transpiling of either your codebase nor the tests.
incredibly fast.
- install
- npm scripts
- usage
- data/fs driven test suites
- writing tests
- utility functions
- Cli / Js Api Usage
be in a nodejs project.
npm i --save-dev @magic/test
mkdir test
create test/index.js
import yourTest from '../path/to/your/file.js'
export default [
{ fn: () => true, expect: true, info: 'true is true' },
// note that the function will be called automagically
{ fn: yourTest, expect: true, info: 'hope this will work ;)' },
edit package.json:
"scripts": {
"test": "t -p", // quick test, only failing tests log
"coverage": "t", // get full test output and coverage reports
repeated for easy copy pasting (without comments):
"scripts": {
"test": "t -p",
"coverage": "t",
run the test:
npm test
example output: (failing tests will print, passing tests are silent)
### Testing package: @magic/test
Ran 2 tests. Passed 2/2 100%
run coverage reports and get full test report including from passing tests:
npm run coverage
- expectations for optimal test messages:
- src and test directories have the same structure and files.
- tests one src file per test file.
- tests one function per suite
- tests one feature per test
the following directory structure:
has the same result as exporting the following from ./test/index.js
import suite1 from './suite1'
import suite2 from './suite2'
export default {
if test/index.js exists, no other files will be loaded.
if test/lib/index.js exists, no other files from that subdirectory will be loaded.
export default { fn: true, expect: true, info: 'expect true to be true' }
// expect: true is the default and can be omitted
export default { fn: true, info: 'expect true to be true' }
// if fn is a function expect is the returned value of the function
export default { fn: () => false, expect: false, info: 'expect true to be true' }
// if expect is a function the return value of the test get passed to it
export default { fn: false, expect: t => t === false, info: 'expect true to be true' }
// if fn is a promise the resolved value will be returned
export default { fn: new Promise(r => r(true)), expect: true, info: 'expect true to be true' }
// if expects is a promise it will resolve before being compared to the fn return value
export default { fn: true, expect: new Promise(r => r(true)), info: 'expect true to be true' }
// callback functions can be tested easily too:
import { promise } from '@magic/test'
const fnWithCallback = (err, arg, cb) => cb(err, arg)
export default { fn: promise(fnWithCallback(null, 'arg', (e, a) => a)), expect: 'arg' }
types can be compared using @magic/types
@magic/types is a full featured and thoroughly tested type library without dependencies.
it is exported from this library for convenience.
import { is } from '@magic/test'
export default [
{ fn: () => 'string', expect: is.string, info: 'test if a function returns a string' },
fn: () => 'string',
expect: is.length.equal(6),
info: 'test length of returned value',
// !!! Testing for deep equality. simple.
fn: () => [1, 2, 3],
expect: is.deep.equal([1, 2, 3]),
info: 'deep compare arrays/objects for equality',
fn: () => {
key: 1
expect: is.deep.different({ value: 1 }),
info: 'deep compare arrays/objects for difference',
if you want to test if a function is a function, you need to wrap the function
import { is } from '@magic/test'
const fnToTest = () => {}
export default {
fn: () => fnToTest,
expect: is.function,
info: 'function is a function',
multiple tests can be created by exporting an array of single test objects.
export default {
multipleTests: [
{ fn: () => true, expect: true, info: 'expect true to be true' },
{ fn: () => false, expect: false, info: 'expect false to be false' },
import { promise, is } from '@magic/test'
export default [
// kinda clumsy, but works. until you try handling errors.
fn: new Promise(cb => setTimeOut(() => cb(true), 2000)),
expect: true,
info: 'handle promises',
// better!
fn: promise(cb => setTimeOut(() => cb(null, true), 200)),
expect: true,
info: 'handle promises in a nicer way',
fn: promise(cb => setTimeOut(() => cb(new Error('error')), 200)),
expect: is.error,
info: 'handle promise errors in a nice way',
import { promise, is } from '@magic/test'
const fnWithCallback = (err, arg, cb) => cb(err, arg)
export default [
fn: promise(cb => fnWithCallback(null, true, cb)),
expect: true
info: 'handle callback functions as promises',
fn: promise(cb => fnWithCallback(new Error('oops'), true, cb)),
expect: is.error,
info: 'handle callback function error as promise',
const after = () => {
global.testing = 'Test has finished, cleanup.'
const before = () => {
global.testing = false
// if a function gets returned,
// this function will be executed once the test finished.
return after
export default [
fn: () => { global.testing = 'changed in test' },
// if before returns a function, it will execute after the test.
expect: () => global.testing === 'changed in test',
const afterAll = () => {
// Test has finished, cleanup.'
global.testing = undefined
const beforeAll = () => {
global.testing = false
// if a function gets returned,
// this function will be executed once the test suite finished.
return afterAll
export default [
fn: () => { global.testing = 'changed in test' },
// if beforeAll returns a function, it will execute after the test suite.
// this is optional and can be omitted if beforeall returns a function.
// in this example, afterAll will trigger twice.
expect: () => global.testing === 'changed in test',
@magic-modules assume all html tags to be globally defined. to create those globals for your test and check if a @magic-module returns the correct markup, just add an html: true flag to the test:
export default [
{ fn: () => i('testing'), expect: ['i', 'testing'], info: '@magic/test can now test html' },
@magic/test exports some utility functions that make working with complex test workflows simpler.
Currying can be used to split the arguments of a function into multiple nested functions. This helps if you have a function with complicated arguments that you just want to quickly shim.
import { curry } from '@magic/test'
const compare = (a, b) => a === b
const curried = curry(compare)
const shimmed = curried('shimmed_value')
export default {
fn: shimmed('shimmed_value'),
expect: true,
info: 'expect will be called with a and b and a will equal b',
exports some javascript types. more to come. will sometime in the future be the base of a fuzzer.
Helper function to wrap nodejs callback functions and promises with ease. Handles the try/catch steps internally and returns a resolved or rejected promise.
import { promise, is } from '@magic/test'
export default [
fn: promise(cb => setTimeOut(() => cb(null, true), 200)),
expect: true,
info: 'handle promises in a nice way',
fn: promise(cb => setTimeOut(() => cb(new Error('error')), 200)),
expect: is.error,
info: 'handle promise errors in a nice way',
exports @magic/css which allows parsing and stringification of css-in-js objects.
allows to catch and test functions without bubbling the errors up into the runtime
import { is, tryCatch } from '@magic/test'
const throwing = () => throw new Error('oops')
const healthy = () => true
export default [
fn: tryCatch(throwing()),
expect: is.error,
info: 'function throws an error',
fn: tryCatch(healthy()),
expect: true,
info: 'function does not throw',
export @magic/error which returns errors with optional names.
import { error } from '@magic/test'
export default [
fn: tryCatch(error('Message', 'E_NAME')),
expect: e => === 'E_NAME' && e.message === 'Message',
info: 'Errors have messages and (optional) names.',
// test/index.js
import run from '@magic/test'
const tests = {
lib: [{ fn: () => true, expect: true, info: 'Expect true to be true' }],
Add the magic/test bin scripts to package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "t -p",
"coverage": "t"
"devDependencies": {
"@magic/test": "github:magic/test"
then use the npm run scripts
npm test
npm run coverage
you can of course install this library globally, but the recommendation is to add the dependency and scripts to the package.json file.
this both explains to everyone that your app has this dependencies and keeps your bash free of clutter
npm i -g magic/test
// run tests in production mode
t -p
// run tests in verbose mode
This library tests itself, have a look at the tests
Checkout @magic/types and the other magic libraries for more test examples.
use esmodules instead of commonjs.
rework of bin scripts and update dependencies to esmodules
cli now works on windows again (actually, this version is broken on all platforms.)
cli now works everywhere
npm run scripts of @magic/test itself can be run on windows.
use ecmascript version of @magic/deep
- update this readme and html docs.
- tests should always process.exit(1) if they errored.
- readded calls npm run script
- updated c8
update @magic/cli
- test/beforeAll.mjs gets loaded separately if it exists and executed before all tests
- test/afterAll.mjs gets loaded separately if it exists and executed after all tests
- if the function exported from test/beforeAll.mjs returns another function, this returned function will also be executed after all tests
- export hyperapp beta 18
node 12.4.0 does not use --experimental-json-modules flag. removed it in 12.4+.
- update prettier, coveralls
- add and export @magic/css to test css validity
update dependencies
windows support is back
windows support now supports index.mjs files that provide test structure
update dependencies
update @magic/cli for node 13 support.
add node 13 json support for coverage reports.
- update dependencies
- require node 12.13.0
update dependencies
update broken dependencies
update @magic/cli to allow default args
update dependencies
update @magic dependencies to use npm packages instead of github
- update @magic/css
- update c8
- currying now throws errors instead of returning them.
- update @magic/css
- update @magic/types which now uses @magic/deep for is.deep.eq and is.deep.diff
remove commonjs support. node 13+ required. awesome.
remove prettier from deps
- package: engineStrict: true
- update cli: missing @magic/cases dependency
help text can show up when --help is used
export @magic/fs
update dependencies
- tests now work on windows \o/
- uncaught errors will cause tests to fail with process.exit(1)
update exported dependencies
fix: c8 needs "report" command now
- fix: c8 errored if coverage dir did not exist
- update dependencies
c8: --exclude, --include and --all get applied correctly.
fix: arguments for both node and c8 tests work. broken in 0.1.36
update dependencies, minimist sec issue.
update coveralls, fix minimist issue above.
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
security fix: update dependencies, yargs-parser.
update @magic/css
update c8, yargs-parser
bump required node version to 14.2.0 update dependencies
update @magic/css
- remove @magic/css export
- update c8
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- remove hyperapp from exports.
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
- bump required node version to 14.15.4
- update dependencies
update dependencies
- add html flag to tests, now @magic-modules can be tested \o/
- update dependencies
update dependencies (c8)
update dependencies (@magic/fs)
- update dependencies
- testing of @magic-modules is now built in. if @magic/core is installed, the tests will "just work" and return html for @magic-modules
- better handling if magic is not in use
- silence errors if magic.js does not exist
update @magic/core to fix tests if magic.js does not exist
import of magic config should work on windows
update dependencies
update dependencies
update @magic/types and intermediate deps to avoid circular dependency
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
- update dependencies
- version now tests spec and lib in a single run.
- internal restructuring
- tests now output their run duration
- add @magic/error dependency and export it from index
- index.js files have the same functionality as index.mjs files
- update dependencies
spec values can be functions, allowing arbitrary equality testing to be executed by @magic/test.version
update dependencies
- lib/version: spec can have objects defined with ['obj', false], which will test the parent to be an object, but does not test the key/value pairs in the object.
- maybeInjectMagic: made magic injection more robust and much faster if magic is not being used.
- t -p now does not show the coverage information
- update dependencies
- @magic/core is a dev dependency now.
update dependencies
- update dependencies
- replace coveralls with coveralls-next
update dependencies
update dependencies
@magic/test can now test @magic/core again
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
update dependencies
- update dependencies
- percentage outputs print nicer numbers
- added http export that allows http requests in tests, there might be dragons and future updates are expected. only supports get requests for now.
update dependencies
- remove calls and coveralls-next, c8 takes care of coverage.
- update dependencies
- add missing fs.statfs, fs.statfsSync and fs.promises.constants to test/spec
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- add unused probably should replace http with fetch...
- update dependencies