Go to Bedrock with DDEV and create a new project
- Install Docker Desktop
- Install DDEV
- run
cd apps/cms; ddev start
Use node
version 20 or more
mpm install
npm run dev
cp apps/cms/env.example apps/cms/.env
cp apps/web/env.example apps/web/.env.local
Wordpress admin
- Wordpress via wpgraphql (bedrock infrac)
- Wysiwyg editor output as portable text
- Graphql Typescript code gen
- Live preview
- Typescript
- Tailwind
- Radix UI
- React Query
- Nextjs
- Type-safe ENV
- Storybook
- Turbo Gen
- Eslint
- Prettier
- Commitlint
- Lintstaged
- Playwright
- Vitest
- Buddy config
- Atomic deployments via Buddy works
- Use composer for wp plugins
└─ pre commit lint/format hooks
└─ cms
├─ wordpress/bedrock
└─ web
├─ Next.js 14
└─ eslint-config
└─ hooks - react hooks
└─ tailwind-config
└─ tsconfig-config
└─ ui - Ui primitives
└─ utils - Shared utils
└─ generators - code scaffold
└─ [[...slug]] - catch all entry point
└─ api - api routes
└─ components - Share components
└─ blocks - block components (text, markdown, image, buttons, rich text)
└─ blog - blog specific components
└─ global - global componenets (header/footer etc)
└─ hero - hero components
└─ structure - structure components
└─ env - environment definitions
└─ fonts
└─ gql- graphql queries/fragments
└─ hooks
└─ lib - api clients
└─ templates - page templates (home page, list page, landing page, blog list and blog post)
└─ utils
npm run new:component
scaffold a new react component with tests and stories
npm run new:hook
scaffold a new react hook with tests
npm run new:fn
scaffold a new function with tests
npm run new:context
scaffold a new react context
npm run new:page
scaffold a new nextjs app router page (with an optional e2e test)
points to src/*
import { Header } from '~/components/Header'
All commit messages must adhere the commitlint conventions
feat: support chinese title
fix: fix a subject bug
docs: update README.md
refactor: update comments