Credit to
Add a slider to the homepage of your Solidus site, and manage the slide show from within the Admin panel.
Add this extension to your Gemfile:
gem 'solidus_slider', github: 'magma-labs/solidus_slider'
Then run:
bundle exec rails g solidus_slider:install
Spree 3 uses the bootstrap framework and a default slider template is available for bootstrap 3
Example usage:
<%= render partial: 'spree/shared/slider', locals: { slider: Spree::Slide.published, cid: 'home' } %>
If you desire to have a customized carousel template you can specify your own like so:
<% if Spree::Slide.published.count > 0 %>
<section id="slideshow">
<ul class="slide">
<% Spree::Slide.published.order('position ASC').each do |s| %>
<h1><%= s.slide_caption %></h1>
<%= link_to image_tag(s.slide_image.url), url_for(s.link_url) %>
<% end %>
<a title="<%= t(:previous) %>" class="slider-prev"><%= t(:previous)%></a>
<a title="<%= t(:next) %>" class="slider-next"><%= t(:next) %></a>
<% end %>
To add dynamic content, go to the spree admin section, under 'Configuration' and find the Solidus Slider & Solidus Slider Locations menu.
You can create new slides and new locations. Then to fetch & render the slider for a particular location you can do the following:
<% slides = Spree::Slide.published.location("home") %>
<%= render partial: 'spree/shared/slider', locals: { slider: slides } %>
- Add ability to find slide locations via autocomplete(Admin)
- Update views(Admin)
- Update model relations