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Mark Roberts edited this page May 13, 2018 · 6 revisions


This implementation has some problems with some challenges 6 onwards, but the most important thing is that it is a skeleton which shows you how the Elevator API works, and gives you a skeleton to improve on.


  • Basic Up/Down light control
  • Stops if button pressed on a floor it is passing
  • Use of undocumented floor.buttonStates object to detect up/down buttons
  • return to floor 0 if not doing anything else
  • multiple elevator and floor handling


    init: function (elevators, floors) {
        const weight = 0.3;
        const maxFloor = floors.length-1;

        let distance = function( elevator, floorNum) {
            return Math.abs( elevator.currentFloor() - floorNum);

        let findIdle = function( floorNum) {
            return elevators.filter( (elevator) => (elevator.destinationQueue.length == 0))
                .sort( (a,b) => (distance(a, floorNum) - distance(b, floorNum)) );

        floors.forEach(function (floor) {
            floor.on("up_button_pressed down_button_pressed", function () {
                // find an idle elevator if possible
                let choice = findIdle( floor.floorNum());
                if (choice.length) {
                    choice[0].goToFloor( floor.floorNum());

        elevators.forEach(function (elevator, index) {
            // add an identifier to each elevator
   = index;

            // event if elevator is doing nothing...
            elevator.on("idle", function () {

                // see if any floors have buttons pressed
                // TODO: choose better
                let demand = floors.filter((floor) => (floor.buttonStates.up || floor.buttonStates.down));

                // choose the first one
                if (demand.length) {
                    target = demand[0].floorNum();
                } else {
                    target = 0;


            // floor button pressed in elevator
            elevator.on("floor_button_pressed", function (floorNum) {
                let target = floorNum;

            elevator.on("passing_floor", function (floorNum, direction) {
                let floor = floors[floorNum];
                let pressed = elevator.getPressedFloors();
                let stop = floor.buttonStates[direction] && elevator.loadFactor() < weight;
                // if we're going in the same direction as the button, we can stop
                if (stop || (pressed.indexOf( floorNum) >= 0)) {
                    // remove this floor from destinations
                    elevator.destinationQueue = elevator.destinationQueue.filter( (d) => (d !== floorNum));
                    // no need to checkDestinationQueue as done in here...
                    elevator.goToFloor(floorNum, true);

            elevator.on("stopped_at_floor", function (floorNum) {
                // do something here
                // control up and down indicators
                // TODO: control up down indicators better
                switch (floorNum) {
                    case 0:
                        up = true;
                        down = false;
                    case maxFloor:
                        up = false;
                        down = true;
                        up = true;
                        down = true;


        update: function (dt, elevators, floors) {
            // We normally don't need to do anything here
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