Import forcasting module
from Forecast import create_series
create_series() function has following parameters:
- in_array : time series data (numpy array or list of values)
- window_size : window size for feed forward network
- period : number of periods to predict
- minV : assumed minimum value for the time series
- maxV : assumed maximum value for the time series
- layer_nodes : list of values for the number of node for each layer in the neural network(Should be more than or equal to 2 values in the list)
- sigmoid : name of the sigmoid function('tanh' or 'logistic')
- epochs : number of iterations in the neural network
you can either edit these values in the code itself
time_series = [some series] create_series(time_series, 10, 15, 0, 100, [3,5,7], 'tanh', 700000)