This DAPP is for a decentralized approach for certifcation schemes, issuance and verification. Any party can become a Certifier and assign a suitable Authority that can delegate authority of certification from 0x345434c69B373476e9919E7e21F125e51d19fF68 address
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Please make sure you've already installed ganache-cli, Truffle and enabled MetaMask extension in your browser.
Truffle : 5.1.33
Node : v14.16.0
NPM : 6.14.11
Sol : ^0.5.0
@truffle/hdwallet-provider: ^1.0.37,
npm install
ganache-cli -m "spirit supply whale amount human item harsh scare congress discover talent hamster"
In a separate terminal window, test the DApp:
truffle compile
truffle migrate
truffle test
In a separate terminal window, launch the DApp:
npm run dev
To deploy the smart contract to the rinkeby test network below steps were followed -
After running tests:
truffle develop
to open the truffle console. Compile and deploy the smart contract using:
truffle migrate --reset --network rinkeby
- Ethereum - Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts
- IPFS - IPFS is the Distributed Web | A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open.
- Truffle Framework - Truffle is the most popular development framework for Ethereum with a mission to make your life a whole lot easier.
- Solidity
- Ganache-cli
- Truffle
- Template code from Udacity