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Oracle Persistence

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@maheshyaddanapudi maheshyaddanapudi released this 09 Jun 09:08
· 301 commits to all since this release

Release Detail

  • Feature
  • Build related changes
  • Other (please describe): Docker / Docker Compose files included.


  1. Oracle Persistence / Option to use Oracle Database as persistence unit.
  2. Docker Compose example with Oracle Container.

Technical Note

  1. Utilizes Oracle Database version 11G for Unit Tests

Due to GuitHub GI Container disk space limitation, no version > 11G can be used for Unit Tests.
Can be easily upgraded to 18 XE or 19C Enterprise once GitHub Action updates size capacity which they are apparantly working on).

  1. Due to a technical version dependency, spring.flyway.locations cannot be automatically set to db/migration_oracle (similar to postgres-persistence) and has to be set through .properties file while running the jar along with conductor.db.type

Refer to docker/server/ for example

  1. Flyway 6.4.4 (5.2+) - Only compatible with Oracle 12.2+
  2. Flyway 4.0.3 (<5.2) - Used for Unit Tests as Oracle 11G XE is used for Oracle Container.