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CLiC: A corpus tool to support the analysis of literary texts

The CLiC Dickens project demonstrates through corpus stylistics how computer-assisted methods can be used to study literary texts and lead to new insights into how readers perceive fictional characters. As part of the project we are developing the web app CLiC, designed specifically for the analysis of literary texts. CLiC Dickens started at the University of Nottingham in 2013, it is now a collaborative project with the University of Birmingham.

For more information, cf. CLiC Dickens - University of Nottingham and CLiC Dickens - University of Birmingham.


Firstly, install the operating system prerequisites:

# NB: virtualenv package might be called python-virtualenv
sudo apt-get install virtualenv python-dev \
    subversion \
    postgresql libpq-dev \
    libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev \

Configure virtualenv:

virtualenv .

Get some packages not available via. PyPI:

./bin/pip install

svn checkout svn:// pywebsvcs-code
mv pywebsvcs-code/wstools pywebsvcs-code/zsi/ZSI/wstools/
./bin/pip install pywebsvcs-code/zsi/

Use pip to fetch dependencies for the relevant environment (NB: this installs pandas, which can take an hour or so):

./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Comment out "socket.setdefaulttimeout(30)" in


See coleifer/micawber#59 for more information

Database setup

You need to pre-populate your CLiC instance. This requires the following files:


These are available internally.

Configure the operating system's postgres. As the postgres user:

# Generate a random password for python to use to access postgres
dd if=/dev/random bs=20 count=1 | sha256sum | cut -f1 -d' ' > secret-dbpassword.txt

# Create clic-dickens user & DB
# This will ask for a password, give whatever is in secret-dbpassword.txt
cat secret-dbpassword.txt
sudo -upostgres createuser -P clic-dickens
sudo -upostgres createdb -O clic-dickens db_annotation

sudo -upostgres pg_restore --dbname=db_annotation --verbose postgres.db_annotation.dump

Untar the cheshire3 stores/indexes (NB: this will take some time):

tar -C dbs/dickens -jxf cheshire3.db_dickens.tar.bz2
chmod o+w cheshire3-server/dbs/dickens/stores/*
chmod o+w cheshire3-server/dbs/dickens/indexes/*

Untar the textfiles:

tar -C clic/textfiles/ -jxf textfiles.tar.bz2
chmod -R a+rX clic/textfiles/

Production installation

Set the google analytics key with, e.g.:

echo -n "UA-12345678-1" > secret-googleanalytics-key.txt

On a production environment, we host CLiC with uwsgi with NGINX serving static files and proxying. So if not already installed:

sudo apt-get install nginx

The script automates the following steps:

  • Create a secretkey to use as a salt for cookie strings
  • Ensure that the clic-chapter-cache.pickle is writable by the CLiC user
  • Configure systemd to launch the UWSGI process running CLiC, and start it
  • Create / update an NGINX site config to use CLiC, and get NGINX to reload the config.

There a host of environment variables that can be customised, see the top of the script. Generally, the only one to override is SERVER_NAME, which controls what DNS names the server will respond to. Multiple server names can be used, separated by spaces.

For example, for installation on "":

sudo  ./

Once this is done CLiC should be available for use. Next you want to ensure that the cache is pre-warmed, see "Cache pre-warm".

If you need to stop/start CLiC outside this for whatever reason, use systemctl, e.g. systemctl stop clic.


If you cannot connect to CLiC from a web browser:

  • Make sure you used a SERVER_NAME that matches the server
  • Make sure NGINX started without errors: systemctl status -ln50 nginx

If you see the "CLiC is down for maintenance" page:

  • Make sure CLiC has started without errors: systemctl status -ln50 clic

Cache pre-warm

For maximum performance, CLiC stores all chapters in memory. By default these are read in as they are needed for concordance matches. This means that responses will be very slow until all chapters have been looked at at least once.

To avoid this, you can force CLiC to read in every chapter in turn, so everything is ready in memory, and dump this to clic-chapter-cache.pickle, which will be automatically read when CLiC restarts. To (re)generate this file do the following: * Start CLiC, either in production or development * Visit http://(server_name)/api/concordance-warm/, make a cup of tea. You can use

curl to run this command on the server to avoid network issues.
  • Once it is finished, verify clic-chapter-cache.pickle exists and restart CLiC so all processes use the same cache file.

Back-up / generating dumps from live instances

You can generate dumps from a running instance for backup / transfer:

pg_dump -Fc db_annotation > postgres.db_annotation.dump
tar -C dbs/dickens -jcvf cheshire3.db_dickens.tar.bz2 indexes stores
tar -C clic/textfiles/ -jcvf textfiles.tar.bz2 .

User annotation system

The registration system for new users is currently disabled, so users need to be added manually.

You can connect to the database as the clic-dickens user with the following:

PGPASSWORD="$(cat secret-dbpassword.txt)" psql -h localhost -U 'clic-dickens' db_annotation

Then use the following SQL:

INSERT INTO public.user
    (name, email, password, active, confirmed_at)
    ('NewUser', '', 'plain-text-password', 't', NOW());

To export the data, the following view can be used, which isn't created by default:

    SELECT "subset_id",, s.kind,
        REGEXP_REPLACE(s.text, E'[\\n\\r]+', ' ', 'g' ) "text",
        STRING_AGG(CASE WHEN t.tag_name IS NOT NULL THEN CONCAT(t.tag_name, '-', (SELECT name FROM public.user WHERE id = t.owner_id)) ELSE NULL END, '/') "all_tags",
        STRING_AGG(CASE WHEN n.note IS NOT NULL THEN CONCAT(n.note, '-', (SELECT name FROM public.user WHERE id = n.owner_id)) ELSE NULL END, '/') "all_notes"
    FROM public.subsets s
    LEFT OUTER JOIN subset_tags st ON ( = st.subset_id)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN tags t ON ( = st.tag_id)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN notes n ON ( = n.subset_id)

...which allows dumping of all data to a CSV format via psql:

\copy (SELECT * FROM subset_export) TO '/tmp/tags_dump.csv' WITH CSV

Developing the system

To speed up development, pre-warm the cache as-per the "Cache pre-warm" section.

Start the webserver in debug mode:

./bin/python -m clic.web.index

Run some unit tests:

./bin/python -m pytest clic/tests/unit/


This work was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council grant reference AH/K005146/1

Please reference CLiC as the following:

Michaela Mahlberg, Peter Stockwell, Johan de Joode, Catherine Smith, Matthew Brook O’Donnell (forthcoming). “CLiC Dickens – Novel uses of concordances for the integration of corpus stylistics and cognitive poetics”, Corpora

This work is released under AGPL-v3.