NestJS REST API boilerplate for typical project
Frontend (React, Next.js):
- Database (mongoose).
- Config Service (@nestjs/config).
- Mailing (nodemailer).
- Sign in and sign up via email.
- Social sign in (Google,Github).
- Login and handling multiple devices.
git clone my-app
cd my-app/
cp env-example .env
npm install
npm run start:dev
By default boilerplate used sign in and sign up email and password.
participant A as Frontend App (Web, Mobile, Desktop)
participant B as Backend App
A->>B: 1. Sign up via email and password
A->>B: 2. Sign in via email and password
B->>A: 3. Get a JWT token
A->>B: 4. Make any requests using a JWT token
Also you can sign up via another external services or social networks like Google and Github.
participant A as Frontend App (Web, Mobile, Desktop)
participant B as Backend App
participant S as Social Media Provider
A->>B: 1. Initiate social media login
B->>S: 2. Redirect to social media login page
S-->>B: 3. User logs in on social media
B->>S: 4. Request user information from social media
S-->>B: 5. Provide user information
B->>A: 6. Send user data to frontend
Note over B, A: Include token, refreshToken, expiresIn
participant A as Frontend App (Web, Mobile, Desktop)
participant B as Backend App
A->>B: 1. Send request with JWT token (from cookies) and refresh token in JSON
B->>B: 2. AuthGuard intercepts the request
B->>B: 3. JwtRefreshStrategy extracts JWT token from cookies and refresh token from JSON
B->>B: 4. Validate refresh token
B-->>B: 5. If refresh token is valid, decode and attach to payload
B->>A: 6. Send new JWT token in JSON
B->>A: 7. Set new refresh token in response cookie (HttpOnly)
Note over B, A: Set 'refreshToken' in response cookie with HttpOnly flag
A->>B: 8. Receive and process new JWT token
participant A as Frontend
participant B as Backend
A->>B: 1. Login request with email and password
B->>B: 2. Validate user credentials
B->>B: 3. Generate access token
B->>B: 4. Generate refresh token
B->>B: 5. Save refresh token to user profile
B->>B: 6. Create a new session (Login from Device 1)
B->>A: 7. Send access and refresh tokens to Device 1
A->>B: 8. Request with expired access token and valid refresh token
B->>B: 9. Validate refresh token
B->>B: 10. Generate a new access token
B->>A: 11. Send new access token to Device 1
A->>B: 12. Login request from Device 2
B->>B: 13. Validate user credentials
B->>B: 14. Generate access token for Device 2
B->>B: 15. Generate refresh token for Device 2
B->>B: 16. Save refresh token to user profile
B->>B: 17. Create a new session (Login from Device 2)
B->>A: 18. Send access and refresh tokens to Device 2