Convert object keys from camelCase/PascalCase to snake_case or into a lowercased one with a custom separator.
Distinctive features from similar packages:
- convertible object keys are cached to increase performance when re-converting a key
- supports different languages for writing convertible keys (not only English)
This project uses decamelize
and was made on the basis of camelcase-keys
npm i decamelcase-keys
const decamelcaseKeys = require('decamelcase-keys');
// Convert an object
decamelcaseKeys({fooBar: true});
//=> {foo_bar: true}
// Convert an array of objects
decamelcaseKeys([{fooBar: true}, {barFoo: false}]);
//=> [{foo_bar: true}, {bar_foo: false}]
// Recurse nested objects
decamelcaseKeys({fooBar: true, nested: {unicornRainbow: true}}, {deep: true});
//=> {foo_bar: true, nested: {unicorn_rainbow: true}}
// Convert object keys with a custom separator (for example, in kebab case)
decamelcaseKeys({FooBar: true, Nested: {UnicornRainbow: true}}, {deep: true, separator: '-'});
//=> {'foo-bar': true, nested: {'unicorn-rainbow': true}}
// Exclude keys from being snake-cased
decamelcaseKeys({fooBar: true, barFoo: false}, {exclude: ['barFoo']});
//=> {foo_bar: true, barFoo: false}
// Exclude children at the given object paths
decamelcaseKeys({aB: 1, aC: {cD: 1, cE: {eF: 1}}}, {deep: true, stopPaths: ['aC.cE']});
//=> {a_b: 1, a_c: {c_d: 1, c_e: {eF: 1}}}
Type: object | object[]
An object or array of objects to snake-case.
Type: object
Type: boolean
Default: false
Recurse nested objects and objects in arrays.
Type: string
Default: '_'
The separator to use to put in between the words.
Type: Array<string | RegExp>
Default: []
Exclude keys from being snake-cased.
Type: string[]
Default: []
Exclude children at the given object paths in dot-notation from being snake-cased. For example, with an object like {a: {b: '🦄'}}
, the object path to reach the unicorn is 'a.b'
aB: 1,
aC: {
cD: 1,
cE: {
eF: 1
}, {
deep: true,
stopPaths: [
a_b: 1,
a_c: {
c_d: 1,
c_e: {
eF: 1
See camelcase-keys
for the inverse.
is MIT licensed.