Welcome to MAGATRON!
MAGATRON is here to help you keep log important events and keep track of impending deadlines.
MAGATRON has a CLI (command-line interface). The valid commands are listed below in "Features".
MAGATRON helps you log tasks. Tasks are split into 3 categories.
- todo
- deadline
- event
MAGATRON allows you to add, view, mark-as-done and delete these tasks whenever necessary. Deadline tasks have an additional feature, reminder, that updates you how long you have left until the deadline for the task.
Adds a "todo" task to your task list. Todo tasks do not have specified due by date or other additional information
Example of usage:
todo Clean the floor
Expected outcome:
Got it! I've added this new Task!
[T][x] Clean the floor
Now you have 1 task in your TaskList.
Adds a "Deadline" to your task list. Deadline tasks have a description and a due date. They are split using a " /by " Dates have to follow convention of YYYY-MM-DD.
Example of usage:
deadline homework /by 2021-03-03
Expected outcome:
Got it! I've added this new Task!
[D][x] homework by (by: 2021-03-03)
Now you have 2 tasks in your TaskList.
Adds an "event" task to your task list. Event tasks have a description and location. They are split using a " /at ". Locations do not have to follow any convention.
Example of usage:
event Party /at Clementi Mall
Expected outcome:
Got it! I've added this new Task!
[E][x] Party (at: Clementi Mall)
Now you have 3 tasks in your TaskList.
"List" all tasks from your task list.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
Here are your remainding tasks!
1. [T][x] Clean the floor
2. [D][x] homework by (by: 2021-03-03)
3. [E][x] Party (at: Clementi Mall)
Delete a task from your task list.
Example of usage:
delete 3
Expected outcome:
Noted! I have removed this task from the list.
[E][x] Party (at: Clementi Mall)
"Finds" the tasks from your TaskList containing the given keyword. keywords are only compared to the description of each task.
Example of usage:
find Clean the floor
Expected outcome:
Here are the relevant tasks:
1. [T][x] Clean the floor
- "reminder" shows a list of all impending deadline tasks in order of days till the deadline.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
Here are your upcoming deadline Tasks!
1. [D][x] homework by (by: 2021-03-03) x days left!!
Reused @banchiang code for GUI implementation.