The quick and dirty JavaScript wrapper for the popular Java ORM library Hibernate to be used in Rhino scripts.
Inspired by ringo-hibernate package for RingoJS
- Rhino - "Rhino is an open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java"
- or vert.x - "Effortless asynchronous application development for the modern web and enterprise"
- or RingoJS - "Ringo is a CommonJS-based JavaScript runtime written in Java and based on the Mozilla Rhino JavaScript engine."
- Hibernate in CLASSPATH
###Initializing ORM object:
var ORM = require('orm').ORM,
orm = new ORM({
// Hibernate configuration options
config: {
"hibernate.connection.driver_class": "org.h2.Driver",
"hibernate.connection.url": "jdbc:h2:db/test;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE",
"hibernate.connection.username": "sa",
"hibernate.connection.password": "",
"hibernate.show_sql": "true",
"": "update",
// HBM mappings from CLASSPATH
resources: ['mappings.hbm.xml']
###Persisting object:
var result = orm.entityWrapper('City', {'name': 'Lipetsk', 'area': 'Lipetskaya obl.'}, function (session, data) {
return session.merge(data);
- Tests!
##License and Contact
License: MIT (
Pavel Goloborodko