Simple class to display dynamically masked textFields
To use OCMaskedTextFieldView, simply initialize the view with the desired format/mask string.
OCMaskedTextFieldView *textField = [[OCMaskedTextFieldView alloc]
initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 94, 280, 33)
andMask:@"TR - #### #### #### #### #### ####"
Default mask supports 3 character sets and is expandable. Hardcoded values are also supported on the masks.
//Default special mask characters:
'#' : Numeric Values
'&' : Alphanumeric Values
'?' : Letter Values
Sample Mask Strings,
//IBAN: @"TR - #### #### #### #### #### ####"
//Phone Number: @"+90 (###) ### ## ##"
//Serial Number: @"[&&&&]-[&&&&]-[&&&&]-[&&&&]"
// Name: @"Mr/Mrs. ?????????????"
Blank values can also be set manually for each speacial character. (default is "_")
[textField setNumericBlank:@" " alphanumericBlank:@" " letterBlank:@" "];
[textField showMask];
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