This is a overview of my 42 common core projects.
Level | Name | Language / Tools | 42 Grade | Overview |
0 | libft | libft is a basic C library built from scratch, which mimics about 50 core functions of the libc library. |
1 | ft_printf | ft_printf is our printf function made from scratch. |
1 | born2beroot | Introduction to System Administration. | ||
1 | get_next_line | get_next_line is a program that returns a line read from a file descriptor. |
2 | pipex | pipex simulates a shell command pipeline, connecting inputs and outputs between programs. |
2 | fract'ol | fract'ol is all about creating fractals. First graphical project using MiniLibX. |
2 | push_swap | push_swap program requires sorting a stack of numbers using limited operations efficiently. |
3 | minishell | minishell is about creating a basic UNIX shell with command-line and process management. |
3 | philosophers | philosophers tackles the dining philosophers problem, focusing on thread-based solutions. |
4 | cub3d | cub3d involves creating a simple 3D game engine using raycasting techniques throught MiniLibX . |
4 | cpp_42 | cpp_42 actually compiles 10 sub-project where we learn basics OOP concepts throught C++ . |
5 | inception | inception helps us master containers fundamentals with Docker. |
5 | webserv | webserv is a NGINX-like web-server wrote in CPP, supporting HTTP 1.1. |