Wordsmush is a Python clone of the excellent Letterpress by Loren Brichter.
If you like Wordsmush (or even if you don't) and you own an iOS device, you should definitely go download Letterpress now.
Install using the standard python setup.py install
Currently the only way to play is two-player, locally, via the command line. I might add more in the future.
Start a new game with wordsmush-cli
For each turn, type one of the following:
- To add a tile to the end of word, type the co-ordinates of the tile separated by a comma - e.g. '3,2'.
- To add a tile to a specific position in a word, type the co-ordinates followed by a position - e.g. '3,2 2'.
- To remove a tile from a specific position, type 'rem' followed by the tiles position - e.g. 'rem 2'.
- To remove all tiles from the current word, type 'clear'.
- To play the currently selected tiles, type 'play'.
- To pass the current turn, type 'pass'.
- To resign the game, type 'resign'.
- To view this help text, type 'help'.