- Title: The project is titled udemy-clone, which suggests that it is a clone or similar implementation of the Udemy platform, focused on selling courses.
- Version Badge:
indicates that the current version of the project is 1.0.0.
- License Badge:
indicates that the project is licensed under the ISC License.
Postman Workspace: A link to a Postman Workspace is provided, which likely contains collections of API requests used for testing the project.
Demo URL: A link to a hosted version of the project is provided, allowing users to see a live demo of the platform.
- Install Dependencies:
This command installs all the necessary dependencies for the project using
npm install
- Run the Development Server:
This command starts the development server for the project, allowing you to run and test the application locally.
npm run dev
- Run Tests:
This command runs the test suite for the project.
npm run test
- Author Name: majjikishore.
- Show Support: The README encourages users to give a ⭐️ if the project was helpful to them.