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REST and RPC Service that accepts a list of transactions and stores those transactions to csv files. The transactions don't have to be ordered. A transaction consists of (init_date, conclusion_date, product_id, value). The csv folder needs to serve as a staging ground and so must adhere to a specific structure year/quarter/date.csv like example …

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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


For using this application java and maven is required , this application is based on Java spring boot,

Quick Start

->Please go through it and download and configer it as per your Operating system

->After installing Required files you can run the jar file using command

->Open the cmd in location where the file is Downloaded

->java-jar (name of jar file with .jar)

Following Dependency is been added in maven

->Basic Dependency

  • spring-boot-starter-web
  • spring-boot-devtools
  • lombok

->Dependency For Test

  • spring-boot-starter-test
  • commons-io

->Dependency For Swagger and Open_Api

  • springdoc-openapi-ui

->Dependency For Spring boot Actuator

  • spring-boot-starter-actuator
  • micrometer-registry-prometheus
  • spring-boot-starter-aop

->Dependency For csv

  • opencv
  • commons-lang3

This Application can searve Following Searvicess.

  • Service that accepts a list of transactions and stores those transactions to csv files. A transaction consists of (init_date, conclusion_date, product_id, value).

  • The csv folder will be serve as a staging ground and follow specific structure year/quarter/date.csv like example 2022/1/2022-02-21.csv

To open Swagger(interactive) API documentation, navigate your browser to [YOUR-URL]/swagger-ui.html

To open Open API Doc, navigate your browser to [YOUR-URL]/v3/api-docs

To open actuator detail | functions health, navigate your browser to [YOUR-URL]/actuator and for custom metrics [YOUR-URL]/actuator/prometheus

All Logs will be saved in web.log file

Rest API Endpoints

-> rest_api/transactions

* POST - Add List of Transactions

* GET - Get list of Transactions

* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}  - Get List of Transaction between this dates

* GET ?oldest=true  - Get Oldest Transaction in compare to all
* GET ?oldest=true&product_id={value}  - Get oldest Transaction in compare to all of perticular product
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}&oldest=true  - Get Oldest Transaction in compare to all transaction done in between two dates
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}&oldest=true&product_id={value} - Get Oldest Transaction in compare to all transaction done in between two dates of       perticular product

* GET ?newest=true  - Get Newest Transaction in compare to all
* GET ?newest=true&product_id={value}  - Get Newest Transaction in compare to all of perticular product
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}&oldest=true  - Get Newest Transaction in compare to all transaction done in between two dates
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}&newest=true&product_id={value} - Get newest Transaction in compare to all transaction done in between two dates of perticular product

-> rest_api/transaction_value_summary

* GET  -  Returns value summary with mean,mode,standard deviation,variance

* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value} - Returns value summary with mean,mode,standard deviation,variance (calculates transaction done in between two dates)  

-> rest_api/products

* GET -  Retuns all the products with its count it is been sold

* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value} - Returns all Products with its count it is been sold between two dates 
* GET ?most_common=true - Returns most common products and its total times solded 
* GET ?lest_common=true - Returns lest common product and its total times solded
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}?most_common= true - Returns all Products with its count it is been sold between two dates 
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}?lest_common - Returns all Products with its count it is been sold between two dates 

-> rest_api/transaction_time_delta_summary

* GET - Returns time Delta summary with mean,mode,standard deviation

* GET ?product_id={value} - Returns time Delta summary of perticulat product with mean,mode,standard deviation
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_data={value} - Returns time Delta summary with mean,mode,standard deviation (calculation is done for all transaction in between dates)
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_data={value}&product_id={value} - Returns time Delta summary with mean,mode,standard deviation (calculation is done for all transaction in between two dates)

RPC API Endpoints

-> rpc_api/create_transaction

* POST - Save List of Transactions in files

-> rpc_api/oldest_transaction

* GET  - returns oldest transaction from all the transaction 

* GET ?product_id={value}  - returns oldest transaction of perticular product from all the transaction
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value} - returns oldest transaction from all the transaction done in between two dates
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}&product_id={value} - returns oldest transaction from all the transaction od perticular product done in between two dates 

-> rpc_api/newest_transaction

* GET  - returns newest transaction from all the transaction 

* GET ?product_id={value}  - returns newest transaction of perticular product from all the transaction
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value} - returns newest transaction from all the transaction done in between two dates
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}&product_id={value} - returns newest transaction from all the transaction od perticular product done in between two dates 

-> rpc_api/mean

* GET  - returns mean of all transaction 

* GET ?product_id={value}  - returns mean of all transaction of perticular products
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value} - returns mean of all transaction done in between two dates
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}&product_id={value} - returns mean of all transaction done in between two dates of perticular product

-> rpc_api/mode

* GET  - returns mode of all transaction 

* GET ?product_id={value}  - returns mode of all transaction of perticular products
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value} - returns mode of all transaction done in between two dates
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}&product_id={value} - returns mode of all transaction done in between two dates of perticular product

-> rpc_api/standard_deviation

* GET  - returns standard_deviation of all transaction 

* GET ?product_id={value}  - returns standard_deviation of all transaction of perticular products
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value} - returns standard_deviation of all transaction done in between two dates
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}&product_id={value} - returns standard_deviation of all transaction done in between two dates of perticular product

-> rpc_api/variance

* GET  - returns variance of all transaction 

* GET ?product_id={value}  - returns variance of all transaction of perticular products
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value} - returns variance of all transaction done in between two dates
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}&product_id={value} - returns variance of all transaction done in between two dates of perticular product

-> rpc_api/most_common_product

* GET  - returns most_common_product of all transaction 

* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value} - returns most_common_product of all transaction done in between two dates

-> rpc_api/lest_common_product

* GET  - returns lest_common_product of all transaction 

* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value} - returns lest_common_product of all transaction done in between two dates

-> rpc_api/time_delta

* GET  - returns time delta(mean,mode,standard deviation,variance) of all transaction 

* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value} - returns time delta(mean,mode,standard deviation,variance) of all transaction done in between two dates
* GET ?from_date={value}&to_date={value}&product_id={value} - returns time delta(mean,mode,standard deviation,variance) of all transaction done in between two dates of perticular products


REST and RPC Service that accepts a list of transactions and stores those transactions to csv files. The transactions don't have to be ordered. A transaction consists of (init_date, conclusion_date, product_id, value). The csv folder needs to serve as a staging ground and so must adhere to a specific structure year/quarter/date.csv like example …







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