Library of Sass configurations and partials for generating responsive atomic CSS classes.
You will need Node installed on your local development machine.
To generate CSS classes for distribution:
npm install
npm run dist
Script | Description |
npm run dev |
Compile and output expanded CSS in build folder |
npm run start |
Watch .scss files to compile and output when there are changes |
npm run dist |
Compile and output compressed CSS in dist folder |
Name | Type | Description |
$base-font-size | unit |
Declare base font size for relative font-sizing (rem, em) in project |
$font-families | map |
Font families |
$type-scale | map |
type scale for font sizes |
$line-lengths | map |
Width of a block of text, sized relative to its font-size |
$line-heights | map |
Leading, or vertical spacing between lines of text |
$line-trackings | map |
Tracking, or horizontal white space between letters in a block of text |
$text-indents | map |
Length of indentation space put before the first line in a block of text |
Name | Type | Description |
$screen-sizes | map |
Media query breakpoints |
$wraps | map |
Max width containers for child components |
$grids | list |
Number of columns in flexbox grids used in project |
$z-indexes | map |
Z-order of positioned elements |
$moves | map |
Vertical and horionzal position of positioned elements |
$margins | map |
Margin area for elements |
$paddings | map |
Padding area for elements |
Name | Type | Description |
$project-colors | map |
Project colors and names |
$neutral-colors | map |
Neutral colors and names |
$notification-colors | map |
System notification colors and names |
$border-widths | map |
Border widths for elements |
$border-radii | map |
Border radius for elements |
$opacities | map |
Opacities for elements |
$transition-durations | map |
Duration timings for element transitions |
State | Modifer | Description |
:hover | .hov-${class} | Applied when mouseover element |
js-enabled | .js-${class} | Applied when .js class is applied to html tag |
Property | Class | Modifer | Value | :hover | js-enabled |
font-family | .f-f-${value} | Specified in config | false |
false |
font-size | .f-s-${value} | Specified in config | false |
false |
font-weight | .f-w-${value} | 1—9 | false |
false |
font-render | .f-r-${value} | auto, smooth | false |
false |
font-style | .f-sy-${value} | normal, italic | false |
false |
line-height | .l-h-${value} | copy, title, solid | false |
false |
line-length | .l-l-${value} | none, base, narrow, wide | false |
false |
line-tracking | .l-t-${value} | none, base, tight, wide | false |
false |
text-align | .t-a-${value} | left, center, right | false |
false |
text-decoration | .t-d-${value} | none, strike, underline | false |
false |
text-indent | .t-i-${value} | Specified in config | false |
false |
text-transform | .t-t-${value} | none ,upper ,lower ,cap | false |
false |
text-white-space | .t-ws-${value} | normal, nowrap, pre, pre-wrap, pre-line | false |
false |
Property | Class | Modifier | Value | Hover | js-enabled |
position | .pos-${value} | static, fixed, relative, absolute | false |
true |
z-index | .z-${value} | Specified in config | false |
false |
move | .${modifer}-${value} | top, right, bottom, left | Specified in config | false |
false |
float | .float-${value} | none, right, left | false |
false |
display | .d-${value} | none, block, inline, block, flex, table, i-table, t-cell, t-row, t-row-grp, t-column, t-column-grp, table-fix | false |
true |
width | .w-${value} | auto, 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 100vw | false |
false |
min-width | .w-${value}-min | 100, 100vw | false |
false |
max-width | .w-${value}-max | 100, 100vw | false |
false |
height | .h-${value} | auto, 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 100vh | false |
false |
min-height | .h-${value}-min | 100, 100vw | false |
false |
max-height | .h-${value}-max | 100, 100vw | false |
false |
wrap (max-width) |
.wrap-${value} | Specified in config | false |
false |
horizontal-align (margin-left + margin-right) |
.ha-${value} | right, left, center | false |
false |
vertical-align | .va-${value} | top, middle, bottom, t-top, t-bottom, sub, sup, baseline | false |
false |
margin | .m-${modifier}-${value} | top, right, bottom, left | Specified in config | false |
false |
padding | .p-${modifier}-${value} | top, right, bottom, left | Specified in config | false |
false |
overflow | .of-${value} | visible, hidden, scroll, auto, x-visible, x-hidden, x-scroll, x-auto, y-visible, y-hidden, y-scroll, y-auto | false |
true |
flex-direction | .flx-dir-${value} | row, row-r, column, column-r | false |
false |
flex-wrap | .flx-wp-${value} | none, wrap, wrap-r | false |
false |
align-content | .flx-ac-${value} | start, end, center, stretch, s-between, s-around | false |
false |
align-items | .flx-ai-${value} | start, end, center, stretch, baseline | false |
false |
align-self | .flx-as-${value} | auto, start, end, center, stretch, baseline | false |
false |
justify-content | .flx-jc-${value} | start, end, center, s-between, s-around | false |
false |
order | .flx-ord-${value} | first, last | false |
false |
object-fit | .obj-f-${value} | none, fill, contain, cover, scale-down | false |
false |
object-position | .obj-p-${value} | none, top, top-right, right, bottom-right, bottom, bottom-left, left, top-left, center | false |
false |
visibility | .vis-${value} | visible, hidden, collapse | false |
true |
pointer-event | .pe-${value} | none, auto | false |
false |
Property | classname | Modifiers | Value | Hover | js-enabled |
background-color | .bg-c-${value} | Specified in config | true |
false |
background-size | .bg-s-${value} | none, cover, contain | false |
false |
background-position | .bg-p-${value} | none, top, top-right, right, bottom-right, bottom, bottom-left, left, top-left, center | false |
false |
background-repeat | .bg-r-${value} | none, repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y | false |
false |
background-attachment | .bg-a-${value} | scroll, fixed, local | false |
false |
border | .b-${value} | none, all, top, right, bottom, left | false |
false |
border-width | .b-w-${value} | Specified in config | false |
false |
border-style | .b-sy-${value} | none, solid, dot, dash | false |
false |
border-color | .b-c-${value} | Specified in config | true |
false |
border-radius | .b-r-${value} | Specified in config | false |
false |
color | .c-${value} | Specified in config | true |
false |
fill | .fil-${value} | Specified in config | true |
false |
cursor | .cs-${value} | none, auto, default, pointer, text | false |
false |
opacity | .op-${value} | Specified in config | true |
false |
transition-duration | .tx-${value} | Specified in config | false |
false |