Ever wondered what NASA's picture of the day was on your birthday? Your anniversary? Your graduation? Wonder no more! This neat little app allows you to pull up any of NASA's APOD (Astronomy Pictures of the Day)!
Check it out here: https://nasa-apod-app-mn.netlify.app/
Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Okay, I'll be honest, this is one of my favorite apps that I've personally built thus far! Everything from the font choice I made to the implementation of NASA's signature colors, AND the fact that I can see what NASA's APOD was on my birthday? Like...WHAT!? All in all, the HTML and Javascript side of the app was the easiest to pull off. I made sure to start by laying out the content I wanted in HTML, then I proceeded to fetch the data we needed to display in the app from NASA Open API (https://api.nasa.gov/) and finished off with adding in style with CSS.
While building this NASA app was easier than the previous API-based apps I've built, I feel that the repetition has deepened my understanding of fetching data/objects using APIs. Additionally, I feel incredibly proud that I was able to focus more on playing with the front-end aspect of the app, rather than struggling with fetching data/objects.