pip install -r requirements.txt
Additionaly for windows only scripts (toast notification) use:
pip install -r requirements.win.txt
Every script have help via --help
option. Just write python3 XYZ.py --help
Sends Windows 10/11 toast notifications when printing is complete or paused (filament end, tangle etc).
Example usage:
python3 notify.py -ip -ac 21xxxxxx -sn 03xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Creates records from an external IP camera using the RT(S)P protocol. Recording begins when printing starts and ends when printing stops or completes.
Example usage:
python3 recorder.py -ip -ac 21xxxxxx -sn 03xxxxxxxxxxxxx -s rtsp://user:pass@ipcam-ip/stream1
Dumps every mqtt messages from printer to mqtt folder.
Example usage:
python3 notify.py -ip -ac 21xxxxxx -sn 03xxxxxxxxxxxxx