Bunch of random shit in solidity
This is a Solidity library that provides various methods for working with strings. The library contains the following functions:
Concatenate: This function joins two strings together.
// import
import "./stringMethod.sol";
contract MyContract {
function joinThestrings(string memory a, string memory b) public pure returns (string memory) {
return stringMethod.concatenate(a, b);
Matches: This function checks an array of strings return 1 if present else 0.
// import
import "./stringMethod.sol";
contract MyContract {
function matchTheString(string[] memory arr, string memory check) public pure returns (uint256) {
return stringMethod.matches(arr, check);
Slice: This function slice and return the sliced string.
// import
import { stringMethod } from "./stringMethod.sol";
contract MyContract {
function sliceTheString(uint256 start, uint256 end) public pure returns (string memory){
return stringMethod.slice(start,end);
NOTE: This methods modify the original string in memory, once you use them the original strings no longer exist