Send push notifications to mobile devices. Supports:
- Apple Push Notification service (APNs) using HTTP/2
- Apple Push Notification service using the legacy binary protocol
- Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) using the legacy HTTP API
- Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)
- Amazon Device Messaging (ADM)
- Windows Push Notification Services (WNS)
- Microsoft Push Notification Service (MPNS)
libraryDependencies += "com.malliina" %% "mobile-push" % "3.11.3"
To push notifications to iOS devices, you need to obtain a certificate for your app. To push notifications to Android devices, you must first obtain API keys from the provider (Google or Amazon).
To receive notifications, mobile devices must first register with your notification server. Setting this up is beyond the scope of this library; let's assume you already have all this.
val conf = APNSTokenConf(
val client = APNSTokenClient(conf, OkClient.default, isSandbox = true)
val topic = APNSTopic("")
val deviceToken: APNSToken ="my_hex_device_token_here").toOption.get
val message = APNSMessage.simple("Hey, sexy token!")
val request = APNSRequest.withTopic(topic, message)
val result: Future[Either[APNSError, APNSIdentifier]] = client.push(deviceToken, request)
The above sample sends a simple message without any customizations. Explore the properties of
for more advanced messages. Here's a message with a text body and separate title:
val conf: APNSTokenConf = ???
val client = APNSTokenClient(conf, OkClient.default, isSandbox = true)
val topic = APNSTopic("")
val deviceToken ="my_hex_device_token_here").toOption.get
val payload = APSPayload.full(AlertPayload("The Body", title = Option("Attention")))
val message = APNSMessage(payload)
val request = APNSRequest.withTopic(topic, message)
val result: Future[Either[APNSError, APNSIdentifier]] = client.push(deviceToken, request)
val certKeyStore: KeyStore = ???
val certPass: String = ???
val topic = APNSTopic("")
val deviceToken: APNSToken ="my_hex_device_token_here").toOption.get
val message = APNSMessage.simple("Hey, sexy!")
val request = APNSRequest.withTopic(topic, message)
val client = APNSHttpClient(certKeyStore, certPass, isSandbox = true)
val result: Future[Either[APNSError, APNSIdentifier]] = client.push(deviceToken, request)
val gcmApiKey: String = ???
val deviceRegistrationId: GCMToken = GCMToken("registration_id_here")
val client = FCMLegacyClient(gcmApiKey, OkClient.default, executionContext)
val message = GCMMessage(Map("key" -> "value"))
val response: Future[MappedGCMResponse] = client.push(deviceRegistrationId, message)
val clientId: String = ???
val clientSecret: String = ???
val deviceID: ADMToken = ADMToken("adm_token_here")
val client = ADMClient(clientId, clientSecret, OkClient.default, executionContext)
val message = AndroidMessage(Map("key" -> "value"), expiresAfter = 20.seconds)
val response: Future[HttpResponse] = client.push(deviceID, message)
val packageSid: String = ???
val clientSecret: String = ???
val credentials = WNSCredentials(packageSid, clientSecret)
val client = new WNSClient(credentials, OkClient.default)
val payload = ToastElement.text("Hello, world!")
val message = WNSMessage(payload)
val token ="").toOption.get
val response: Future[WNSResponse] = client.push(token, message)
val deviceURL: MPNSToken ="my_device_url_here").toOption.get
val client = new MPNSClient(OkClient.default, executionContext)
val message = ToastMessage("text1", "text2", deepLink = "/App/Xaml/DeepLinkPage.xaml?param=value", silent = true)
val response: Future[HttpResponse] = client.push(deviceURL, message)
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sbt release